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"Bhad Bhadie got these bitches bustin' for cash (cash) Do the dash, try to play me, bitch, I'm bustin' yo' ass (bustin' yo')Lotta gun sounds, Rollie, bust down, know why these bitches mad 'cause they trash and they fuckin' for cash (cash)Too official, blow the whistle, bitch, I'm fly like a bird (brrr )"

Every time I step on the dance floor no matter what I'm going through I'm in my own lil world. all of my problems melt away and trust me I got a lot of problems. I know it's only temporary but it is a peaceful temporary.

As I finished my routine, my chest heave heavily and I walk over to my bag and take a sip from my water bottle. "I wonder if I have time for any other routine."

My phone dings. I reached down to grab my broken Iphone. Lord I knew a new phone. "Shit!" My phone reads 2:30 and I realize what time it is.

"Shit fuck!!My black ass is gonna be late for work."  I said before bolting towards the bathroom.

I work at McDonald's and my shift doesn't start till 6. But my manger will be on my ass if i'm even a minute late. I start to freshen up in the bathroom and my phone dings.

I look down at my screen and I see a text that my best friend Jordyn sent:

Where to r u - J.J

I'm otw- Me

Well hurry tf up boss man is pissed-JJ

Well shit.

Add that to the list shit I got to worry about. My boss Mr.Black, which ironically is white, is a major pain in my ass. He is always mad about some shit that sometimes makes no sense. Like last week when I was cleaning the wrapping section he started yelling at me because I wasn't wiping 'counter- clockwise'.

I was like "really nigga." He needs to get laid.

When I locked up the studio I looked at my phone to see how much time I have left.


Only got fifteen minutes left. I pulled out my car keys and hit the unlock button to get into my broken-down Toyota. I start a silent prayer. "Lord Jesus or Buddha or Allah  please give my car the strength to make it my job and me not to punch the shit outta Mr.Black  Amen". I cranked up my car. Nothing. Okay Come on. Nothing. Okay third's time the charm. I cranked and my beat up baby is alive. "Yes!" I yelled out.

My bluetooth immediately starts to blast Drake to the fullest volume. Mu mom always said i am gonna lose my hearing if keep my radio volume this loud. Well anyway I'm off to my horrible job.

Surprsingly my car stopped in the middle of the road only twice, so somebody answered my prayers. I pulled up to McDonald's parking lot five minutes after my shift is suppose to start. But that's ok I'll make up for it with some overtime and right when I walked in the door here he come looking mad as shit.

"Where have you been Miss Coats. You are five minutes late." he whispered yelled. His spits enters my eye.  Gross

"I am sorry, Mr. Black but I had some car troubles." Which is true.

" Well you need to fix that piece of the shit car so you can get to work on time." He said. This man is about to get a punch in his smug ugly face. Looking like 'The Thing' from the Goonies

Right before I could move a mussel I see Jordyn behingther cashier mouthing "Don't do it girl" and she is right.

I need this job. Bills keep piling up and as hard as my mom works it's not enough. Come on Zara, put on your grown-ass panties and suck it up. "You are so right Mr. Black my piece of shit car does need fixing right away. Let me get to the job that I LOVE so much so I can earn the money the American way." I say sarcastically with the bigger smile on my face he can see my gums.

The look he gives me in return says he want to say something smart. Try me bitch.

"Just go to the register." He says in defeat.

I walk towards the register Jordyn walks up to me "Girl you need to control your attitude or your gonna get fired." She says which she is right. Me and Mr. Black always end up fighting and one day he will fire me but not today.  I'm his best employee. All the customer gives great complients and reviews about me.

"Yeah, you're right but he needs to watch how he talks to me," I say to her as i'm putting on my headset.

To me, if you want respect given to you have to earn it  which is something he has not earned. "Z you're too much." She laughs as she walks off to her station.

As a customer walks up I start my shift. "Hello welcome to McDonald's how can I help you?"








Jesus Christ.


Nine hours ain't no joke. My feet are killing me and my back hurts. I almost died walking up the stairs of my complex. I pulled out the keys and I unlocked the door to my apartment. I walked into my mom's and I three-bedroom apartment and the smell of lavender and vanila fill my nose. My mother loves candles and anything that make the whole place smell delicious.

The first thing I saw when I walked into the apartment is my mom asleep on the couch still in her work clothes and bills on the table. I walked over to her and pulled a blanket on top of her. My mom works as a registered nurse at Central Memorial Hospital. I noticed that most of the bills are from the hospital and notices of overdue loans repayments.

A few month ago I had a little brother named Isaiah. He was injured in a drive-by shooting when he was playing outside with his friends. The bullet went stright through that the bullet even went thought one of the downstairs window.

My mom and I rushed right out when we heard the screming and crying. The drive to the hospital was a blur, my mom yelling and crying and I was so terrifed.

He had to go into surgery to remove the bullets but right after they got all the bullet's fragments out, Isaiah couldn't stop bleeding internally and he died on the surgery table. It killed my mom.

She wouldn't eat, talk or sleep in her bed. The hospital bills, insurance bills and funeral cost kept adding up so my mom got more shifts but still wasn't enough. I hated seeing my mom so stressed and tired so I got a job to help out which it did to an extent, .

I walked into the bathroom and turned on the water to my showerhead. Cause honey I smell like french fries and grease oil. Instead of immediately showering, I stand there in the hot water and I think of my brother.

By now he would have been thirteen years old and maybe playing some sort of sport. Football most likely and my heart breaks all over again.

After my well-needed shower and a mini crying seccion, I walked into my sanctuary I call my room and I lay down in my cloud nine i call a bed and let the sweet darkness take over.

Oh shit my eyes pop open in the darkness.  I forgot the first day of school is tomorrow. "Oh fuck."

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