Sleepless Night

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                As Jackson and Autumn returned to the real world, they both would stumble down onto the couch. Their bruises coupled with their exhaustion just left them sore and aching all over. They both fought to catch their breath, and eventually Autumn spoke up. "Let me fix you up" He got the first aid kit from the bag he brought and began treating Jackson's wounds.

"I'm more worried about you. I'm used to the bruises." Jackson sighs, wincing as Autumn fixes some of the open wounds on his body.

"I'll be alright. I just need some rest." Autumn sighs, soon finalizing his patch job on Jackson and going to wrap himself up. He was feeling better. As if some sort of weight just left his chest.

"You and me both." Jackson gave a light smile as he spoke. Eventually they both heard a banging at the door.

"That's probably Ruben. It's too rough to be anyone else." Autumn slowly stands up, groaning a small bit. "Can I go get it?" Jackson nods and Autumn moves to open the door.

Sure enough, there was Rusty, a worried look in his eyes only intensifying as soon as he saw the state that he and Jackson were in. He immediately began looking over Autumn frantically. "Who the fuck did this to you? Is it serious?! Do I need to get ya to a hospital?!" Jackson had never seen Rusty like that, truly worried for another's well being.

"Ruben, it's fine. Really. Just, even better than fine I guess." Autumn rubbed the back of his neck, looking back at Jackson. They both gave each other a knowing smile

Rusty looked between the two of them, raising an eyebrow. "You two fuck or something?" There was an underlying tone to his voice, though it was hard to tell what it was off the bat.

Jackson immediately blushes and blurts out. "No! It has to do with something that happened in the TV world." Jackson looked away, his face still bright red.

Autumn reacted much more calmly, crossing his arms. "Please, I prefer to know someone before getting in the bed with them."

Rusty almost seemed to sigh in relief and looks up at him. "So that TV thing is real?" He walked over, looking to the screen and squinting at it. He thought it was the TV itself that did what it did. Autumn sighed and put his hand through, much like Jackson could before. Jackson gasped at the sudden movement. Seems like Autumn had similar powers to him now.

Rusty had a different reaction, almost falling back as Autumn's hand went through the TV. He immediately ran over to Autumn, pulling his hand away from it. "Don't you fucking do that!" He shouted at Autumn. Rusty was beginning to get very protective of Autumn for some reason.

Jackson slowly stood up and said. "Rusty, it's alright. We're fine."

Rusty then glared at Jackson. "Don't you fucking say a thing. You brought him there knowing how dangerous that fucking place is!" He snapped, hands still clenched in fists. Jackson backed off a bit. He didn't want any incoming beatings to add to his already painful bruises and cuts. He might also want to check if anything was broken as well. There's a persisting pain in his side that might be hinting at a broken rib. Rusty turned to Autumn, rage in his eyes. "You could've died, you could've been like your cousin, you could've been..."

Autumn was honestly surprised Rusty was this worried about him. Usually Rusty explicitly says 'he couldn't give two shits' on what happened to him, but this was rather extreme. Amidst Rusty's rambling, Autumn went and hugged him, although lightly as to not put pressure on any of his wounds. "It's alright Ruben. I'm ok." For the first time in, ever, Jackson saw Rusty immediately calm down and hug Autumn. He almost wanted to take a photo just to show that Rusty had a heart.

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