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"Is there anyway I can ever get my memories back?" I sigh in despair.

"That would take a miracle, Harry."


Suddenly, the room starts to shake and the nurse fades away. The room crumbles forcing a huge piece of the ceiling to fall on top of me.

My phone hits my face hard and continues to vibrate.

I grumble, "Hello?"

"I'm kind of just waiting for you to answer the door," Harry says.

My head turns to the side table and the clock reads 7:18.

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry I just woke up. I'll be down in a sec."

"Thanks." He laughs.

I throw my phone on the bed before jumping down the stairs, towards the door. 

"Hey," I sigh, "I'm so sorry, I fell asleep and I-"

"Don't worry about it," he smiles, "you can go get ready and I'll just wait for you here."

"Okay, I'll be done in like, ten minutes."

After so, I run up the stairs and slide into my bedroom. I figured what I wore from school was okay so I decided to just fix my hair and face.

Once I finish applying my mascara, I tie my hair in a tight pony tail and make my way to the living room.

"So what movie do you want to watch?" Harry gets up from the couch.

"I was thinking of seeing the Fault In Our-"

"Nope, nope, no, not ever will I see that movie."

I snicker, "then let's watch it."

"It's such a 'girly' movie. Can't we watch like Transformers or at least something else?"

"I actually could go for an action movie," I decipher.

"Transformers it is. We're taking my car," He immediately says.

"Are you sure? We could just take my car. It'll be easier because we could just come back here and hang out instead of you dropping me off and leaving right away." I smirk.

"Alright, alright." He approves.

We head out of the house, making sure to lock the door, and move to the car. I hop in the driver's as well as Harry popping in the passenger and we speed off.

"So, are you into like, make-up or stuff like that? You know, what a girl likes." Harry asks.

I laugh, "why, if you're a girl and not into that stuff, you're not considered a girl?"

"No, I mean, are you like, super into girly stuff." He urges quickly.

"You are funny, Styles. But no, I'm not really interested in those kind of distractions. As you should probably know, I like reading and studying. It's good to get some knowledge in your noggin."

"Wow, that's boring," He snorts.

"It's actually intellectually fun." I wear a proud smile.

"Don't put big words into this conversation."

We both laugh for a bit before getting back to silence. On que, we arrive at the outlet.

"It's just a couple of shops down," Harry says, "we're going to have to walk a bit."


I slam the door behind me and walk over to the sidewalk, meeting Harry by my side. We stride in silence for a bit. It wasn't an awkward silence, it was a peaceful one.

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