Chapter Four

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"So, you're thinking of taking on the gyms?" Wally asked as the four of them began walking down Route 104.

"Yup!" Larance replied with a nod. "I'm aiming to become the new Champion of Hoenn, so the first badge that I'll have to win is from Rustboro City. But what about you?"


"Yeah. What do you want to do?"

"Well, I'd like to become a Pokemon Researcher, but I think my asthma might cease that dream."

Wally let out a small cough after his comment, making Bina slow down so she could walk besides them.

"Don't worry, Wally," Bina said with a small smile. "I'm sure that once we get to Verdanturf Town, your asthma will clear up a bit."

"Yeah, you're right," Wally said with a smile. "Anyways, why are you on a journey Bina?"

"Oh, I'm just accompanying Arriete and Larance," came the reply. "I'm not sure on exactly what I want to do."

"Oh," Wally muttered, before turning to Arriete. "But what about you?"

"Well, I've been researching Mega Evolution for a while now," Arriete replied. "So, I want to travel to other regions to see if I can find any new information."


A small chirp made the four of them turn their heads to see a Tailow walk towards them.

"A Tailow!" Bina exclaimed, gently picking Mudkip off her head and setting her down. "I've always wanted one! Come on, Mudkip! Wurmple! Let's go catch it!"

The Tailow looked up just as Bina ordered Wurmple to use Poison Sting. The Tailow was instantly hit, and it tried to attack Wurmple. Before it could land a blow, Bina threw a poke ball at it. The ball hit the ground and wobbled three times before it clicked, catching the Tailow.

"Yes!" Bina cheered, running over to the poke ball and picking it up. "I caught a Tailow! Thanks W-"

Bina stopped short as she noticed a white light that had surrounded Wurmple. The others watched in awe as Wurmple's shape changed until the light disappeared, revealing that it evolved into a Silcoon.

"You evolved!" Bina squealed, picking up her newly evolved Silcoon. 

"Wow, that was fast," Larance stated, Wurmple slouching on his shoulder. 

"Of course," Wally began. "Bug Pokemon evolve relatively quickly."

Pipei tapped Arriete on the shoulder, and pointed forward. Arriete looked to where he was pointing, and smiled.

"Hey guys, look! Petalburg Woods! We're almost to Rustboro!" Arriete exclaimed.

"Then let's hurry!" Bina exclaimed, walking briskly towards the woods.

Arriete began to follow, while Larance and Wally lagged behind.


"Guys, wait," Larance commanded, holding out his arms.

Arriete stopped while Bina and Wally walked right into Larance's arms. They looked at their friend in confusion while his golden eyes scoured the area. A rustle to the right of them caused Bina and Wally to jump, but they all settled when they saw that it was only an Eevee.

"Woah, an Eevee!" Arriete breathed. "Aren't those rare in Hoenn?"

"Yeah, pretty rare," Wally answered, coughing a bit. 

"Then I'll catch it!" Larance exclaimed, moving his shoulder to signal Wurmple to jump off. "Come on, Wurmple! Maybe you can evolve and become something better than a Silcoon!"

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