Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Ugh I feel like we've been riding on Wailord's back for the past week," Larance groaned as he casually placed his hands behind his hands and laid down.

"It's only been two days," Arriete replied as she brushed Paragon's fur. "Thanks for the brush, Bina."

"You're welcome," Bina grinned, stretching. "And I happen to like surfing across the sea. It gives our Pokemon a chance to get some fresh, sea air."

Around them, Everheart, Krypta, Dustox, Latios, Swellow, and Beautifly flew around them, enjoying the open air. Swampert swam next to Wailord while Pipei and Blaziken sat next to each other. Sylveon, Leafeon, Flareon, and Lunar slept in a small circle, while Gallade, Hariyama, and Gallade scouted the area, to make sure that no one would attack them.

"The sea does help me with my asthma," Wally smiled as he sat next to Larance. "And don't worry, we'll be at Ever Grande in another day."

"Hey, Arriete," Bina began, sitting next to Wally. "How come you and Larance haven't let out Destructor and Groudon?"

"Well, I'm pretty sure Groudon would sink to the bottom of the ocean," Larance replied, sitting up. "And people would freak if they saw Destuctor just casually swimming by Wailord's side."

"Right," Bina frowned a little. "So, if-"

"'When'," Larance corrected.

"'When'," Bina continued, rolling her eyes. "Larance wins against Steven, what are we all going to do afterwards?"

A silence befell them as Wailord continued to swim on. Wally was the one who spoke first.

"Well, 'when' Larance becomes the new Champion, hopefully I'll be able to research Pokemon with the help of Steven," he replied. "What about you guys?"

"I guess I'll win my last ribbon and battle Lisia for the Top Coordinator title," Bina mused, smiling at Swellow, who landed next to her.

"I'll have Champion duties," Larance sighed. "But, I guess I'll visit my dad as well when I'm not busy."

"I'll research more about Mega Evolution in Hoenn," Arriete smiled.

"You're dad's allowing you to do what you want?" Bina asked in surprise.

"Yeah, he told me so after defeating Teams Magma and Aqua," Arriete replied. "And I guess everything is looking up for you three as well."

The others nodded and a comfortable silence washed over them as Wailord just swam on. A day passed by until they finally saw an island approach them.

"Oh thank Arceus!" Larance sighed as he returned his Pokemon and stepped onto dry land. "Ever Grande!"

The others followed suit, returning their Pokemon as well. They were standing in a small, flowery field that held only one Pokemon Center.

"I think we should stock up on supplies before heading through Victory Road," Arriete suggested as she pointed up at a large cave.

"Oh great, not another cave," Wally groaned, folding his arms.

"Oh, come on," Bina grinned, slinging her arm around Wally's shoulders. "After everything that has happened, you can survive a cave."

Wally sighed as he followed his friends into the Pokemon center.


Hours passed by before the four friends made it out of Victory Road. 

"Ugh," Wally groaned as he sat against a tree. "So many trainers!"

"At least the Pokemon League building can heal our Pokemon," Larance stated. "Let's hurry!"

The others inwardly groaned as they slowly followed behind their friend. 

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