guys my age.

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the sound of my alarm clock blaring through my phone speaker woke me up with a jolt. i had fallen asleep in my chair, head and arms laying on my desk again. being exhausted from college truly aloud me to fall asleep anywhere.

turning my alarm clock off, i walked up to my closet. pulling out a pair of jeans and a red tee, i slipped on my sneakers. brushing my teeth and pulling up my hair in a pony tail, i texted back my best friend who had asked to meet her at a coffee shop on campus to have breakfast, telling her that i had the extra time and would meet her there shortly.

layla had been my best friend since middle school. there was little about my life that i didn't share with her. she knew practically everything about me, including my thrill of webcams. being able to share everything with someone was really a relief when it came to some things.

i arrived at the coffee shop, walking up to the table she had already saved for us. taking a sip of the iced coffee she had purchased for me, i thanked her and began to tell her about the night i had which i hadn't been able to get out of my head since, even when i was trying to finish my essay. "so last night was a 'i'm horny and need to webcam' night"

she laughed and set her hands down on the table. asking me how that went, i proceeded to tell her about ash. i told her what he looked like and how much i enjoyed talking to him. both sexually and casually. i didn't get into details about the show i put on for him nor the dirty things he had said and did. thinking back to the hoodie, i mentioned it seeing what she had thought of it as well.

"can you imagine if he actually went to the same school as us? that would be like, every sexual fantasy a girl could ever want." she also went to kean university, since we had been planning on going to the same college since high school. when we both got accepted into kean we decided to go there since they offered both the degrees and classes we wanted.

  "he said last night it's a small world, but i doubt its small enough for us to go to the same university. although, i wouldn't be opposed to doing more than a webcam if he did"

  she shook her head, smiling. "we both know you wouldn't, so why not find out? aren't us females supposed to be apart of the fbi or some shit? you have his name and possible school. look him up."

  she had a good point, but after all he was just a boy i spent one night with over a screen. i shrugged my shoulders and grabbed my bag, getting up to leave for my class. hugging layla, i walked from the coffee shop to my class.

  the class i was walking into was criminal justice. taking my seat and grabbing my things out of my bag, i scrolled through my phone as i waited for the lecture to start. i had always chose to sit in the front of the class. for me, i found it easier to hear and see whatever i was learning.


  class was ending, so i packed all of my stuff in my book bag. there was one thing during the lecture that i hadn't quite understood, so i decided to stay back and ask the professor about it. i stood from my seat and watched as everyone piled out the room. this class was fairly big, i was one of the only freshmen in it. this was an excelled criminal justice class, but since i had taken the class in high school and had credits to qualify, i was able to be in a class higher up.

i saw someone walking from the room who caught my eye. he was fairly tall, had dark brunette hair and was wearing all black. when he turned around to talk to someone behind him, i almost gasped. it was ash, from last night.

i debated on asking my question next class and catching up with him. if there was any chance he could actually be tangled up in my sheets, that's exactly where i wanted him. he was even more attractive standing in front of me than he was last night. i hadn't even found that a possibility. i watched as he laughed at something someone had said and walked away. that was a view i wasn't complaining about.

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