~11~ Entangled Arrangements

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Deal? Was this the same deal that Chris threatened me with when I first meet him? Was this the same deal that Sean brought up in conversation many times over? Questions began to cycle through my head, however, none would result in a solution to the problem. I began to scrunch my eyebrows together as I realize a solution would not come soon.

"Don't be frighten my dear Kera. Now, shall we begin?" In one fluid motion, Sean rotated his palm in a circle like manner, then leaving it out, waiting for it to be filled with papers with his palm exposed. One of the men who lined the wall placed a leather black portfolio in his hand. Sean smiled and retracted his gesture and began scanning the contents.

Sean removed 2 identical documents from the folder and placed one of the forms in front of himself, then waited for one of the men lining the room to deliver the other document to my side of the table.

Why is he remaining silent and taking his sweet time? Does he not know the torment he is creating for me?

I smiled bitterly at Sean once I received the papers, however, Sean returned it with a genuine smile. I flip through the files, scanning the sections, realizing this was going to take a while. I breathe out a breath of reluctantly, however, Sean seems to chuckle.

"I would like to begin with asking you one request that may make this process a bit easier. Would you take my hand in marriage and allow your father to sign over the company to me?"

So THAT'S what this is all about. Not my well-being, but the betterment of the company?! How could he even call himself a father now?

I tense up just by the pure resentment for my father. However, how is he even worthy of being called a father when he is willing to sign over his own daughter?

"I must decline. I do not want to help if it means putting the company before myself." I say while giving Sean an icy glare. However, Sean seems unmoved by my action.

Sean signs. "So it seems we must do this the hard way. I will get what I want in the end, so it's no matter. I would like to turn to page 4 section 7 and mention this."

I scan the words, then am greatly taken aback. "There is no way I am spending every Saturday with you until I graduate high school." I push the papers forward with my hands towards the center of the table.

Sean smirked. "Well, that's unfortunate my dear Kera because your father has already signed off on this document, therefore you are obligated to comply."

I cross my arms in my seat and mentally curse my father.

Sean begins to flip through the papers until his eyes landed on a section that seemed to pique his interest.

"I would like to direct your attention to page 10, section 3. This is to prioritize the safety of my dear Kera." Sean said in a serious tone.

Puffing out a bit of air at the ridiculous of the statement, I flipped to the page and read the section.

Any private encounter with the creator of the contract will remain confidential unless the creator of the contract deems the situation safe and unnecessary of such a precaution.

Taking such a precaution? So I have to get a signal from Sean that its "Ok" to talk about him? So if my friends were to ask me what I was to be doing on these "Saturdays" I have to make up an excuse... I'm so sorry Chloe.

"And what is the lie you intend I tell my friends?" I say, placing my elbow on the counter and resting my head on my hand, displaying the negative attitude I have towards the matter.

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