Roll for Intimidation

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"You are the miraculous child between a demon and an angel. The problem is your bloodlines cancel each other out, essentially making you a regular human. The only difference is that you have non-functional wings and horns that intimidate those who meet you."

I was dreading the first day of school. In elementary, I was bullied. In middle school, people avoided me because of they thought I was bullying them. Freshman and Sophomore year of high school, I was bullied again. Last year, Junior year, I was avoided for the fact that I looked like a bully. This year, I was confident that I'd be feared as the top dog in high school, and for looking like a bully.

The reason people bullied or feared me was due to my parentage. My mother was a demon, her features sharp and massive ram horns in her skull on her head. Between her shoulders, bat like wings with large bone spikes extending at the joints flitted, never fully still. My father was the opposite of her, an angel. His wings were large, elegant, and smooth, and he had soft white feathers on them. Whereas my mother was fiery, chaotic, and gifted with what could only be described as evil powers, my father was kind, caring, and had no prejudge by race or believes, only by actions. He had powers of healing, and calming nerves to maintain control of a situation. Both were incredibly athletic, stronger than a human, and wiser than a human. They were an interesting match, to be sure, however truly in love. I was their only child, only due to the pains and complications of my birth. The doctors had told them that their blood mixing was causing issues, and my parents had agreed to not have another child.

I was a mix of them, bearing slightly smaller horns than my mother but still large. Winged with a strange combination of the demon wings and angel wings. They started as the softer angel wings, with the bone spikes at the joints. As they went along, the longest point just past my lower calves, the feathers died out, and the leathery skin under it took over. The webbing between the bones was jagged, and had a fiery pattern. The unfortunate thing was that they wings didn't work. I had no powers from my parents, the blood canceling it all out. I was basically human, with non-functional wings and a set of horns.

"Brad, time to get up for school!" the sharp call of my father woke me up, thirty minutes before my alarm. I sighed, but accepted my fate. Throwing the thick quilt off my side, it barely catching on my wings and falling to the floor. I left the comfort of my bed, and leaving the room, sliding a t-shirt on as I went.

"My alarm," I yawned out, "provides an adequate amount of time to get ready for school." I ruffled my hair, eyes half shut.

"You will ignore your alarm. This way the alarm acts as a 'making sure you are up'" Smith told me, rolling his eyes. "Besides, I was making breakfast today, and that is not something that you like to miss."

Ashley came down as well, still in her baggy t-shirt and boxer shorts. She yawned as well, and my dad handed us both coffee cups. I smelled the sweeter coffee in my cup, with french vanilla creamer in it. My mom drank coffee black, and my dad and I enjoyed creamer in coffee.

We ate a breakfast of cinnamon rolls, and then I got help with my preparations for school. As I was turning to the door, I waved a quick goodbye to my parents. "See you later." They smiled at me, my father leaning on the taller women.

I got in my car, and drove to the school. I had picked up the parking pass two days ago, and was on of the first people there. I grabbed my schedule, went to my locker, and then began to locate the  classes.

Along the way, a few freshman noticed me. It wasn't hard, given the wings and tall stature. I heard the fear and panic in their voices, but ignored them. I thought I had prepared enough for that, but it never seemed to be enough, at least during the beginning of the year or when there was a new student.

"Ugh, I bet he's all mean. I mean, those wings are being corrupted." one of them failed to whisper to their buddy, likely a friend from middle school. "And he is really strong looking too."

I rolled my eyes, and ignored that conversation. Still, the spoken words reached my ears anyways. "Let's do what we can to avoid him." the friend replied, practically yelping.

Some ran into me at one point, their bags falling down and books going everywhere. Instinctively, I bent down to help, swiftly gathering up most of the books as I could. When I went to give them to the boy who had fallen over, he flinched back at the sight of my face. 

"What do you want with me?!" he panicked, scuttling backwards. "Why are you helping me?"

"Because I know what it's like to have no one help me out. Because my family taught me that being helpful is good, and benefits the world." I sighed, sliding the books over to him before standing up. "But, I do understand that your concern. I look intimidating, and every intimidation roll was a natural twenty for me." A sad smiled formed on my face, one that I hide form the boy. "But, take care. Most people won't help." I continued on my way, finding the theater at my school.

During lunch, I was sitting by myself in a comfy chair in the library, nose stuck in a book, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning slowly, my horns have caused minor injury on accident before, I saw the boy from the morning.

"I-I wanted to apologize about this morning." he looked down. "I know that you get the reaction, but it isn't fair to you. Also I wanted to ask about one of you comments..." his voice crawled off.

I looked at him, sly smile on my face. "Which one?"


Well, that was actually pretty long to write. Fun, but long. Anyways, what did y'all think of it? And yeah, I was referencing Dungeons and Dragons, but ay, it was a prime opportunity to do so, and it fit the story.

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