As the first rays of sun fell on her face, Jennifer pulled the blankets over her face. Though she wasn't at all sleeping, she felt laying there for one more hour would comfort her. But even pulling the blankets didn't do any good. As if the sun was adamant to take Jennifer out of her dirty bed. She hadn't cleaned it for the last 2 months. As a matter of fact she haven't cleaned her whole house for long 2 months. She wondered in awe- didn't the Sun face any of these problems? No breakups, relationships, moments nothing at all. And so it was so punctual. Drifting her mind from it Jennifer thought about him- about Charles. How could he have done so? How could he breakup with her even after 4 years of relationship? No, it wasn't actually happening right? It can't, they couldn't be broken. All those beautiful moments wrapped in the golden lines of memories and silver nets protecting them from any harm. No, he couldn't be gone... He might be taking a break- a small holiday kind of thing. But whatever she said to console herself, she knew it was all over. All her memories, everything was lost- even Charles. She tried to drift her mind to other things. But she just couldn't take him out of her mind. He was settled there never to come out again. 2 months before she had been so happy with him - each day flourished with a new memory. The memory of their breakup wasn't even a rememberable one. He simply left a note to her. It simply read...
" I'm leaving Jen. I want to breakup with u. U and I were never really a good choice. Don't stay focused on me. Move on please. And I didn't love u, better to let you know.
Yours one and only,
Charly "
When she read the letter she felt an empty dizziness spread through her body and the mind totally numb to give any reaction to this. She opened her phone, called her bestie Katnis, told her about their breakup and the disconnected the line. She pulled open her phone, took out the battery and the threw the partly dismantled pieces on the bed. Then she slept as she hasn't slept for several days. After few days passed, she started realising how empty her life had become.
She couldn't imagine her life without him and now she couldn't but spend her nights in complete loneliness. She drifted all these thoughts apart and got up from her untidy bed to make herself some coffee. As she rose from the bed, a memory flourished in her mind.
She had been asleep for long that day. As she was asleep, Charly called her with a soft murmur in her ears. He said " get up sweetie. Don't you wanna go to the college? U will get late"
"No I don't feel like going today. Why don't we just stay at home today? It's been a long time since we've spent time together.""oh no baby. I'm making a strong cup of coffee for you. Get ready and go to the college. "
With these words, he kissed her and went to the kitchen. But this memory seemed to be a distant past now. All she had now was all the sorrow in her life. With these thoughts she went towards her kitchen.
She made herself a strong cup of steaming hot coffee and sat on her bed staring outside her house. She saw her neighbor pruning the roses,the street dog making an incessant noise and cars passing by the road were almost quiet which was rather unusual.As she took a sip, she heard her calling bell ring after a long interval of time. She wondered who it might be. But whosoever it was she decided not to open the door. But the anonymous person started thumping on the door as if the person was going to break into her house. Getting irritated by the continuous sound, she went to open the door. Opening it she found Katnis standing at her door step with a broad yet twisted smile.
" hey beautiful, what's the hot news? Well, how are you and most importantly are you well NOW?? "Jennifer was a little stunned by the sudden Rush of questions but her happiness was expressed in her body language seeing her friend." Come in and I'll be all yours to talk." Katnis has been her bestie for a long period of 15 years. She knew her every so called secrets and most importantly understood her completely. She knew when to say what and when to let silence take the lead. Presently, she entered in a hurry, sat on her untidy bed and said in a buttery yet scornful voice " You are such a freak.! It seems that you haven't cleaned since that day!! Jen, you're not the only one facing breakup. Just forget that dipshit. He's no better than the son of a bitch."
" May be he is. But I can't forget him so easily. My love isn't a two day wonder and U know that Kat,don't you?"Kat nodded with a frown on her face. " then tell me if you're not gonna forget him what are you going to do? U can't stay focused on him forever. U gotta move on and find someone new for you."
" Presently, I can't because I haven't yet forgotten him so let the discussion go. And BTW, why are you here so early? " A sly smile spread on her face which showed she was going to say something she wouldn't approve of." I'm gonna clean you up and take you to college. It's been so many days. People are talking about you. "
Jennifer bit her lips. She didn't wanna see Charly or anyone for that matter. There would be a lot of qts about her sudden disappearance & Charles & the last thing she wanted to do is to cry I front of everyone." No I don't want to go to that wretched place. It's where everything started." " Yah ok. Enough of your drama but bad luck this time. Go and get ready and I'll get your a little bit tidy. And it would be the last thing if you want me to find out any funny business. Now GO!!!!" She nearly screamed the last words and Jen didn't dare contradict her. Picking up her towel, she went near the washroom. She locked the door, opened her clothes and put on the shower. As she showered, her mind continuously drifted towards him. After a good bath, she came out wrapping the towel around her wet body and found Katnis rummaging through her closet. " why can't I find a single suitable dress to wear to college!!" Jennifer laughed at this. " Le'mme find. I'll surely get something worthwhile." She found a white cropped top and a ripped jeans. " That's a good one. Go on and get ready or we'll have to miss the first class." She got to her room, got ready and finally adjusted her blonde strawberry curls. " perfect to give the boys a tickle" said Katnis. They took a cup of coffee. Jen gave a last scornful look towards her partly tidied house, locked the doors and came out after so many days. As she started walking, she hoped that everything would go fine at the college &she'll not have to face awkward qts. But what she couldn't realize was that her life was going to change from that day onwards. Both the friends moved towards the metro station.

Her boyfriend's best friend
RomanceThis story describes that how a girl who has broken up with his boyfriend falls for his best friend. This shows how love can be redefined with not just words but emotions. And at last it teaches us to cope up with harsh outcomes of life no matter wh...