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(Y/N) is one of the many students who study at Fumiko Gakuen,She's sometimes was the one who were called as the wallflower or the one who doesn't get noticed by everyone,

Despise the fact that she was,She was also shy and timid. She doesn't go to any detention or got any problem with her average grades of B+

And truthfully,She's no one really special..Like in a shoujo manga,She's only a mob character.


Everyone got out of their class as they rush toward the Literature club where the one who's fordibbenly attractive lies,Senpai Matsuno Keiro.

A Smart and very silent student who usually writes poems and such things like news— everyone stand infront of the window as they watched Senpai Keiro who discussed something to his members;

‘‘Oh my god. I wanna join the club! I want senpai to notice me!’’

‘‘Too bad my sister,Senpai doesn't anyone who's not a good writer. He doesn't like noobs in his club!’’


(Y/N) looked at them with confusion as she silently ignored their cries of despair as she walked through the cafeteria;

After a long walk of being bumped. Pushed away or sometimes accidentally got spilled with because of her unnoticed aura,She grabbed a sandwich and a bottle of Juice before quickly dashing away,

As she reach the front entrance of Fumiko Gakuen,She silently sighed as she unwrap her lunch as she took a small bite.

As she's about to take another bite,A tall figure suddenly covered the sunlight in her face; She looked up to see Senpai Keiro infront of her.

Senpai Keiro eyes darkened as he seen (Y/N) uniform,A long skirt that reach her knees,Long sleeved shirts in black with a white ribbon hanging around and a hair that is on (H/S),

Her uniform where covered in some brownish and some where whitish spot,Like someone spilled their drinks on her clothes,

‘‘(Y/N) (L/N)...’’

Senpai Keiro spoked silently as he reached to caressed (Y/N) hair as (Y/N) silently blushed.

‘‘Who did this to you?’’

Senpai Keiro can't accept that someone who's a low flithy person is hurting his (Y/N),No one can't do that. Even him.

‘‘I got bumped and spilled because they can't see me..’’

(Y/N) answered as Senpai keiro only nodded his head,He sat silently beside her as he took out his lunch;

(Y/N) and Senpai Keiro doesn't have any relationship or even some sort of friendship,They're just some formal friends who usually ate together and go home since they were neighborhoods,

As they ate silently,Keiro's mind were running somewhere,Something....Dangerous.

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