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          (n.) a person who loves the moon

"Ah. Selenophile pala ako."

Tuwing gabi, pumupunta ako sa roof ng bahay namin para tumingin sa buwan. Hindi ko alam, pero it always calms and relaxes me after every stressful day from school and some errands I ran to. And this night, is one of the best night I spent here while feeling the cold breeze plus the calming appearance of the moon with its Waning Crescent phase.

"Last day na pala namin as Grade 10 students bukas." I signed, not because I was tired but because I was happy, that I can finally get out of my province and be independent in the city. "Ano kayang gagawin ni Sir Garcia bukas? Sana hindi na siya magklase. Ang sipag sipag niya kahit tapos nang iannounce ang mga kasama sa top." I know, I sound crazy talking to myself.

Oh well. Mamimiss ko rin tong rural vibe. For some reason, I raised my hand to reach out the moon, acting like I can really touch it and whispered the word "Selenophile". A smile came out in my mouth after saying the word.


"Good Morning Sir, it's nice to see you today." all of my classmates stood up to greet Sir Garcia who just came inside the room, except for me that is only looking at our teacher. I'm not the morning person type, I hate mornings, I hate school and everything in the morning.

I saw Sir Garcia pointing at me, saying something that I can't hear. I gestured him to repeat it and I can finally follow his words saying "Take those earphones off, Y/N please.". He wasn't angry, it's always like that and he's used to me. I paused the music and took my earphones off.

"It's your last day today, BUT don't expect me to say 'no classes for today'--"

My classmates burst out with "ugh!", some of them cursed loudly but not really offensive, some of them did not reacted and I just giggled because I find their reactions funny.

"Calm down, folks." said Sir Garcia as their attention slowly focusing on him. "It's not for academics, more like, searching for the word that explains your likeness, gets niyo? Hindi ko gets pero.. basta ganun!"

His explanation rings a bell and I blurted "Like phil-, -philia, -phile, or -philic?". I didn't raised my hand because I'm too lazy to do it but I did make sure Sir Garcia heard me.

"Exactly, Y/N!" he exclaimed. "Magcclass sana tayo, pero nung nakita ko 'to sa Facebook, mas interesting siya. At isa pa, bakit ko pa kayo ipagcclass e Moving Up niyo na bukas, 'di ba?"

My class started to get energetic while Sir Garcia is fixing his projector, connecting it to his laptop and adjusting the view of projector. As the text got clearer, I read the list of the -philias and -phile. I know this is not everything, but as I saw the 'Selenophile' in the screen, I am already satisfied. In fact, I already know the meaning since I saw it in the Facebook too last night.

I dozed off for a minute and it ended when I felt someone patted my shoulder, I looked at my left side and saw Jae looking at me. "Have you found yours?" he asked me and I nodded saying "Selenophile". He gave me a confused look "I bet Selenophilia sounds better." he sounded judgy, but that wouldn't work on me. "I know, but it'll have another meaning which is 'a plant that when growing in a soil tends to take up in quantities greater than can be explained on a basis of chance', source from Merriam Webster." I said. I gave him my most intimidating look for no reason. He raised his both hands like he surrendered saying "Fine, Y/N. Whatever you say. You're always right anyway. Why debate?".

"You know me so well, Jae." I chuckled as the debate ended and declaring me the winner.

"Aren't you gonna ask my -philia thing?" he asked.

Jae, I know it already.

"Caligynephilia or Androphilia." I answered him with sarcastic tone.

He looked at the screen where the list of -philias are, looking for the specific word. "Androphilia, addicted to men?" he turned his gaze at me "What the hell Y/N! I'm not gay! But I can consider Caligynephilia since I like beautiful girls." he said and smirked.


As I spend my night above the roof, I can feel the cold breeze but I'm a bit pissed since the moon is covered with the clouds. Isa akong Selenophile, clouds!

My phone vibrated, when I turned on my phone, I saw Sir Garcia's message in our group chat.

Sir Garcia

     Your grades doesn't measure your true intelligence nor reflect your personality, numbers only remind us our lapses, mistakes and faults. Don't get mad at yourself nor to your teachers, don't blame anyone. Low or failing grades do not always dictate your future, THE MOST IMPORTANT IS THE THING YOU LEARNED NOT THE GRADE YOU EARNED.

Sir Garcia

     I will PM everyone here, I will tell you my comments.

And Sir Garcia's chat head popped at my screen, in short, he PMed me.

Sir Garcia

     For you Y/N, I know you're intelligent. It's just that you're lazy but I understand your situation for not being the morning person. I don't blame you, should we blame the Sun? Haha! Just kidding. I heard that you're not going to attend the Moving Up tomorrow because you have to start moving to the city. I hope everything will be fine. As your adviser, I want to advice you. I hope you can change your problem in the morning. I hope your Senior year will be good too. That's all, kid. Goodluck!


I can't express everything, Sir. But I'm glad and thankful that you became our adviser despite the callings in our batch 'The Worst Batch Ever'. Thank you for your hardwork and everything. I'll promise you to change this not-the-morning-person attitude of mine. We will all make you proud someday. Just wait Sir!

I turned off my phone, not bothering to read our group chat as I feel the sleepiness in me. I looked up in the sky but the moon is still covered by the clouds. Instead of getting pissed again, I smiled and said..

"Big day tomorrow, Y/N."


Important note: Probably most of you are confused with the Y/N thing, Y/N means Your Name. It means you are the main character, you're going to put your life in this story. That is how fanfiction works mostly.

a/n: hello! I'm sorry if the first part of the story is lame and in tagalog mostly. Please if I have some grammatically errors and wrong spellings, kindly dm me or comment. It'll be a huge help for me.

Let's meet the leading man in the next chapter, yes?

(all stories are in less than 1500 words)

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