State Game

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The day was finally here. What we've been waiting for. The day of the state's game! Everyone was excited as we sat at our lunch table. Jess and Marcus were making out almost the whole time along with Justin and Emily. Luke and Catherine were giving each other small kisses and holding each other closely. That might also be because Luke isn't too confident about dad being at the game tonight. Asher put his arm around my waist and pulled me against him.

"We never do any PDA." He said looking like he was in thought. I leaned forward and pecked his lips. He smiled and leaned forward to kiss me more passionately. I put my hand on his arm and turned my head a little to the side to deepened the kiss. I heard someone sigh and Asher slowly pulled away from me. I looked over and saw Will with his elbow on the table and his chin resting on his hand.

"What's up Will?" Asher asked.

"Nervous for the game." He said.

"We are going to win." Luke said looking over to us.

"Because we are the best." Justin added. I smiled and leaned my head against Ashers shoulder. I put my arm around his waist and held him against me.

"You guys better do good." I said kissing Asher one more time before lunch was over. He laughed as we stood up and grabbed my hand.


After school all the guys had to meet with coach before leaving. So all us girls decided to go to the cars. We were giggling and ran over to the cars. I squeezed my backpack through the passenger window of Asher's truck which was open only a little. There were people aimlessly milling around the parking lot so we huddled between Asher's truck and Will's car.

"We should hide." Catherine said looking around.

"Ooh yeah!" Jill said going under Marcus' truck. I laid down on the ground and scooted under Ashers truck. The others scurried to find somewhere to hide. Catherine went under Will's car and Emily came under the truck with me. We were whispering back and forth until we heard a group of guys coming closer and laughing. We backed up a little so the guys wouldn't see us. They got closer and stood in a circle. I couldn't really see them, only their shoes. Asher unlocked his truck and opened the passenger seat. His shoes were right in front of me and I had to cover my mouth with my hand so I wouldn't burst out laughing.

"Huh, Caity's bag's here." He said throwing his back in and then closing the door to lean back against it.

"Yeah, everyone else's is over here." Marcus said from the other side of the truck.

"Huh. I wonder where they went." Justin said. Catherine looked like she was going to laugh so I smiled and shook my head.

"You guys doing anything this weekend?" Brian asked.

"I'm going to the hospital." Asher said.

"I'm going to Maryland to visit my cousins." Justin said.

"I'm not." Will said in a perky voice. Catherine rolled her eyes. Luke was standing just a little to the left of her. I motioned with my hands to pull a prank on them. She smiled and nodded. I counted on my fingers, one, two, three and we grabbed Asher and Luke's ankles at the same time. Asher jumped away from me and let out a yell. All us girls started laughing and the other guys were laughing at Luke and Asher. Asher bent down to look under his truck and playfully glared at me. I giggled and rolled away to the other side when he tried to grab me. I got up on the other side of the truck and ran onto the soccer field which they were parked right next to. He chased after me and was right behind me.

I was still laughing when I looked back. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to the ground, breaking my fall with himself. He was laughing now too as he flipped us over and I was laying in the grass on my back. He straddled me and smiled as he leaned his face down close to mine. I was breathing heavily and laughing.

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