We Have To Get Out Of Here

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Asher's POV

I groaned in pain. My head felt like I was being stabbed multiple times, and I felt like I was going to be sick. I slowly opened my eyes and saw I was in a darkly lit room. I was in a chair facing a dirty wall. I tried moving my head, but a pain shot up my neck. I groaned again heard a sound behind me.

"Hewo?" I called out. My mouth felt funny and I couldn't talk right. "Who ish there?" There was a sigh,

"Ash, I am so sorry." I recognized that voice, but at the moment my mine was too muddled to think.

"Who're yu?" I asked rolling my head back when it felt too heavy to hold up.

"Ash, it's me, Luke." My eyes widened.

"Luke? You're shtill alive? Well we're aw fought yur dead." I slowly got out. Even I could barely tell what I was saying. My lips felt a little numb. I heard a little shuffling and then my chair scraped a little. Luke started kicking a leg of my chair and soon I was turned so I was facing him. We both cringed. He looked awful. He was thinner and looked thoroughly abused. His skin was almost a greyish color with the way all the bruises were scattered across him.

"Wha hppned t ku?" I forced out hoping he would understand. He was quiet for a minute and looked around.

"My dad isn't alone here." He whispered. "He has this friend. He's from Germany and knows what he's doing. It's going to hurt, okay. But you have to get through it." He said. I've never seen him look so serious.

"Bu what did they do ta yu?" I asked.

"They burnt my wrists." He said sliding his arms through the rope that was holding him to the chair. It looked like they just weren't tight enough anymore.

"Ow." Was all I said. He went on to explain that it's all mostly hitting and kicking so far. Not that that doesn't hurt. He's been kicked unconscious before. He said he thinks he might have a few broken bones.

"I can't believe they took you too. This must kill Caity." My heart dropped. I was trying not to think about how Caity was doing. I leaned my head back and let out a heavy breath. There was a loud noise that sounded like a heavy metal door closing.

"They're coming." Luke whispered hurriedly. "Just don't give in. They're going to hurt you, but you can't give in." He stressed. I nodded. I took a deep breath and looked over to see the door leading to this room open. In came Dominik and a few other men. One of them was carrying a black bag with something in it.

"I see you're conscious Asher. I hope you're okay with the setup we have here." When I didn't respond one of the guys walked up.

"Do you think he talk? The chloroform have done some." He said with a heavy German accent. Chloroform? What the hell did they do to get me here? Everything from last night is pretty hazy so I don't really remember anything.

"Eh, he's fine. He doesn't need to talk. So, anyways, we brought you guys something to do." Dominik said with an evil looking smile on his face. I looked over to Luke but he was too focused on his father.

"Did you guys know you fear the same thing?" I looked at him with a questioning look. I had no idea what he was talking about. One of the guys reached into the bag and quickly pulled his hand back.

"Ow, Diese freaking Dinge. Sie verdammt weh!" (Ow, These freaking things. They fucking hurt!) I didn't know what was in the bag, but I really didn't want to know. There was a hiss that I couldn't mistake for anything else. I felt like my heart stopped as the guy pulled out a giant snake. I hate snakes. With a passion. They scare the shit out of me. He smiled as he walked towards me and my heart sped up so I felt like I just ran a marathon. I started shaking my head as he got closer.

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