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hoseok plopped himself down onto the couch once they got inside. "that was fun," he smiled.
"it really was" the younger said as he plopped down on the couch as well. "should we watch a movie..?"namjoon said as he picked up the TV remote.

hoseok cuddled into the younger and sighed. "yeah, that sounds okay. as long as we can cuddle."
as they watched the movie an idea popped up in his head.
it might be risky but i'll give it a try.
He cups hoseok's face and kisses him.
"I have an idea. But i need to know if you're okay with it."
hoseok tilted his head, looking a bit confused. "what is it?" he honestly had no idea what it could be.
namjoon didn't really look at the older since he felt kinda embarrassed about his own thoughts..
hoseok put hand on namjoon's thigh, trying to make him look at the older. "what's your idea joonie?"
namjoon really wanted to show the older how much he appreciated him, but this was gonna be a big step in their relationship.
"uhm what if I.."
hoseok raised a brow. "joon, just tell me what it is. i'll probably say yes, okay? don't be afraid to ask me anything."
"what if i got an apartment in your town so we could continue to see each other everyday..?" namjoon asked, feeling like he was about to cry
"i—" hoseok looked at him, not really believing that. "really? that's all you wanted to ask? of course! you don't have to be shy about that. i can help pay for it though."
"i just didn't know if you thought it was a good idea.." namjoon said as tears of happiness filled his eyes
"wait joon, why don't we just get an apartment together since i've been looking for one? isn't that a better idea?" hoseok asked him lovingly. he would love to live with the younger.
"would you really do that?" the younger asked as he looked at the older.
"of course! i'd do anything for you," hoseok smiled. it was true, he'd sacrifice anything for his love.
namjoon smiled so hard as he attacked the older with kisses and hugs
now it's time for some real risky business
namjoon thought as he moved his hand up the back of the olders back
hoseok grinned through the kisses and hugs. he brought his lips to namjoon's as he shivered from the touch of his hand on his back, placing his arm on the younger's shoulders. he scooted a little closer to the other so he was basically almost on top of him.
namjoon laid down, so the older now was on his lap but still hovering slightly above him. this turned into a hot make out session and namjoon enjoyed every single part of it
hoseok brought up one of his hands to slightly tangle it into namjoon's hair. he didn't know where his sudden urge of confidence was coming from, but it was definitely there.
namjoon took him hands and moved them further up the olders back. he didn't really understand why he suddenly felt so confident but he did and he wasn't complaining about it
hoseok lifted himself so he was hovering over namjoon's lap. he pulled back after a second, blushing madly. "sorry, am i getting too involved?"
namjoon smiled at the older and gave him another kiss "no baby, i love it" he said as he attacked the older again
hoseok giggled, once again wrapping his arms around the younger. he loved the feeling of his lips against his own, the sparks he got when the other touched his skin. he loved it all.
namjoon had a thought in his head that he was trying to erase, but he couldn't.
he lightly pushed the older off and quickly said "urgent! gotta pee" before he ran of to the bathroom
hoseok giggled as he got more comfortable in his position on the couch. he smiled to himself, replaying the last few days' memories in his head.
20 minuets later, namjoon was finally done in the bathroom and he shyly went back to the couch and plopped down besides the older.
hoseok leaned his head on the younger's shoulders, intertwining their hands. "what took you so long? i missed youuu," he pretended to whine.
"uhmmm, just had to pee a lot.." the younger blushed as he adjusted his body to both him and the older would be more comfortable.
"um... joon, who takes twenty minutes to pee? unless you're lying to me, you should get that checked on," hobi chuckled, snuggling himself further into the other's side.
"uhmm, yea i already got it checked, i have this thing called horniness" the younger giggled as he moved a little further away from the older in embarrassment.
a blush spread across hoseok's face, so much that he could feel the hotness. "oh.. well um..." he honestly didn't know how to respond to that. "you could've just told me.."
"but that's kinda embarrassing.." namjoon said as he blushed even more
hoseok shook his head. "it's not embarrassing. it's perfectly normal, i wouldn't make fun of you or anything. i'm the one who caused the problem anyways, i was getting too much.."
"no no you weren't, it's just im not used to so much you know action.." namjoon said as he got up from the couch going to the kitchen "you want some water..?" namjoon asked to change the subject
hoseok nodded. "uhhh sure." he got up to follow namjoon, leaning on the counter once they were in the kitchen. "joon, are you even ready for... you know...?"
"uhmmm yea ig, but it also depends a lot on if my partner is feeling ready.." namjoon said as he took at sip of his water
"i meant with me," hoseok admitted, looking down at the floor, embarrassed. he didn't know if he was ready himself, but he wanted to know if namjoon was.
"if it's with you, thennn I would still feel the same, but i would be a little more insecure tbh.." namjoon said as he took a step closer to the older.
"why would you feel more insecure?" he asked, wrapping his arms around the younger's neck and pecking his cheek.
"i don't knowwww, probably because you mean so much to me, that i would be worried that you wouldn't enjoy it i guess.." namjoon said as he looked at the floor feeling a bit embarrassed
hoseok smiled softly, lifting namjoon's head up with his finger. "joon, of course i'd enjoy it. i enjoy anything i do with you. when you're ready, i will be here, okay?"
"you know what?" namjoon said as he took a step closer to his boyfriend "i so fucking in love with you" and once again he gave the older a big hug and a kiss.
hoseok sighed in content, breathing in his boyfriend's scent. "i love you too," he pulled the younger closer, giving him as big of a hug as he could.
namjoon suddenly felt really emotional and asked the older "aren't you supposed to go somewhere with your school tomorrow? cuz i really don't want you to goooo!"
"ugh you're right i forgot about that. it's a quick one tomorrow though, don't worry," hoseok reassuringly smiled.
"but im gonna miss youuuuu" namjoon pouted and wiped away a fake tear.
"i'm gonna miss you too, but shush. you'll get some time to yourself, and i'll give you a big kiss when i get back, okay?" hoseok said, shaking his head at the younger's dramaticness.
"b-but i don't want time for myself, i want time with you" namjoon said having actual tears in his eyes
"hey, wait, don't cry joon. i'll be gone for two hours. surely you can handle that? i'll text you as much as i can when i'm there," he promised.
"okayyyy" namjoon sighed as he gave the older one last kiss on the cheek before dragging him along to the couch "let's continue the movie..?"
"alright yeah," he waited for namjoon to sit down before sitting on the younger's lap. "do you mind...? it's more comfortable with you," he said, feeling a bit weird about asking.
"of course bby, and it's true it is more comfy" namjoon giggled as he picked up the remote and started the movie again. as they both started watching the movie again, namjoon started playing with the older hair as he promised he would do.
hoseok smiled contently as he snuggled into the younger's chest. his eyes were slowly closing, but he tried to keep them open. "i love you," he softly mumbled.
"i love you too my love" namjoon whispered and soon realized that the older was sound asleep, he didn't move though. he didn't want his boyfriend to wake up.
hoseok moved in his sleep, so his head was resting in the crook of the younger's neck. he was relaxed, and finally happy. he never felt this good about himself. and he didn't want to leave either.
namjoon admired all the olders face features and continued to play with his boyfriends hair. his own eyelids started getting heavier and soon he was off to sleep as well.

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