New friends

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You jumped tree to tree happily knowing that your on your own in the jungle. Then you decided to run as fast as you can and shouted "YEAAAAA THIS IS FUN!". While Mowgli is running away he hears your voice in the distance. He got curious and decided to follow your voice. He ran towards your voice till you didn't see where you were going and bumped into each other. You both fell on the ground grunted from the pain, but then you looked at each other in the eyes. You wondered (who is he and how come I never seen him before) Mowgli quickly got up and asked, "Are you ok?" You were lost in his eyes and felt something inside you. You quickly said, "Oh yea, yea, I'm ok." Mowgli reaches out to grab your hand. You felt an emotion that you've never experienced before. So you reached his hand and he helped you get up. Mowgli then asks, "So what's your name?", " name is (y/n) what's yours", "My name is Mowgli and I have never seen you before?", "Neither have I.", you responded. "By the way..", you said, "Why are you all alone?", "Bagheera wanted me to go to the man village.", "Why is that?", He said that the jungle is dangerous and I would be safe in the man village." You begin to think. "Well, you can come hang out with me if you want.....", you said while blushing. He then says, "Sure I'd love to!" Your felt happiness when he agreed to go. So you both spent a day having fun till you both decided to nap. While napping a strange noise is heard in a distance. "Doo-bee doo-bee doo-bee-dee-doo. Well, it's a doo-bah-dee-doo. Yes, its a doo-bah-dee-doo. I mean a doo-bee doo-bee, doo-bee doo-bee, doo-bee-dee-doo. And with..." Mowgli heard him and opened his eyes to see a big bear looking at both of you. "Well, now. What have we here?" He began to sniff you two and it awoke Mowgli. "Hey, what a funny little bit of a..." He was about to touch your sleeping body till Mowgli saw him and hit him on the nose. "Oh!", "Go away!", "Oh, boy, I've seen everything in these woods." You start to woke up and saw the bear and Mowgli annoyed. "Hoo! What have I run on? What a pretty thing this is." Mowgli then holds on to your arms and says, " Leave us alone." You begin to blush that Mowgli is protecting you. The bear speaks, "Well, now. That's pretty big talk, little britches." Mowgli gets up and says, "I'm big enough." And he punches the bear on his stomach but has no affect on the bear. "Pitiful. Hey, kid, you need help. And old Baloo's gonna learn you to fight like a bear." You got curious of how Baloo is going to teach Mowgli how to fight, so you sat near a big rock and watch the boys do their thing. Baloo says, "Now come on, I'm gonna show you." Mowgli gets in position. "Yeah! All right, now, kid, loosen up. Get real loose and then start to weave. Weave a little. Now move!" Mowgli does what Baloo said "That's it! Now give me a big bear growl. Scare me." Mowgli lets out a growl and it didn't impressed Baloo. "Oh, boy. I'm talkin' about
like a big bear." Baloo then roars in Mowgli's face and that noise was very loud it startled you. Baloo says again, "A big one. Right from your toes." Mowgli then let's out a loud roar and you giggled. Mowgli asked, "How's that?", "Yeah, you're gettin' it, kid. Weave about now and look for an opening. Keep movin'. Keep..." Mowgli then swings towards Baloo and missing. "Yeah, you're gettin' it, kid. Come on, that's it. He's a dandy." Then Baloo swings at Mowli making him roll into a log. You were frightened and ran towards Mowgli to check on him. A voice then spoke on a tree branch. "Fine teacher you are, old iron paws.", "Oh, thanks, Bagheera.", "Eh, tell me, tell me, uh...after you knock your pupil senseless, uh, how do you expect him to remember the lesson? Hmm?", "Well, I... I, uh... Well, I didn't mean to lay it on him so hard." You helped Mowgli get up. "I'm not hurt. I'm all right. I'm a lot tougher than some people think.", said Mowgli as he looked at Bagheera. "You better believe it. Now let's go once more. Now I want you to keep circlin' or I'm gonna knock your roof in again. You better keep movin'." Mowgli then swings under Baloo's chin."Hey! Right on the button." Then Baloo fell in a silly way and landed on the ground. You decided to get on top of Baloo and tickle him. "No, no-no, no-no. Now you're ticklin'. No! No. N-N-Now, now we don't do that here in the jungle. No, you're ticklin'. I-I can't stand that ticklin'. Help, Bagheera!", "I would but I've never seen her in the jungle before and she doesn't look like she's from the man village." You turned to Bagheera and said, "Oh that's because I live here in the jungle.", "So you live all by yourself?", "No.", "So what is your name?" You kept tickling Baloo as he begs for help. Mowgli decided to help you and says, "Give up, Baloo?", "I give up, I told ya. Ooh! I give... Hey! You know somethin'? You're all right, kid. What do they call you?", "My name is (y/n)", "And you?", "Mowgli.", Bagheera interrupted, "And he's going back to the man village right now." Baloo looks upset, "Man village? They'll ruin him. They'll make a man out of him.", "Oh, Baloo, I wanna stay here with (y/n) and you.", "Certainly you do.", "Oh? And just how do you think he will survive?", Bagheera says sarcastically. Baloo responded, ""How do you think he will..." What do you mean, "How do you think he..." He's with me, ain't he? And I'll learn him all I know. And we have (y/n) and she seems to be perfectly fine on her own.", "Well, that shouldn't
take too long.", said Bagheera as he lays down on a branch and watches us.

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