A search party

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Morning arrives and you and Shere Khan are searching for breakfast when you came across a deer. "Now watch closely and stay quiet", said Shere Khan as he gets ready to pounce. Until you hear a elephant's making noises that made the deer ran off. "Hup, two, three, four hup, two, three, four keep it up two, three", they chant. "What beastly luck. Confound that ridiculous Colonel Hathi." Shere Khan said with an annoyed face. They continue, "Company, sound off. Oh, we march from here to there. And it doesn't matter where. You can hear us push. through the deepest bush. Hup, two, three, four. With a military air. With a military air." Shere Khan then takes you to the bushes trying to not get in their way. They continue again, "We're a cracker jack brigade. On a pachyderm parade. But we'd rather stroll to a waterhole. Hup, two, three, four. For a furlough in the shade." Then in the corner of your eye you see Bagheera "Halt!", he said and all of the elephants stop. Colonel Hathi questioned, "Who said halt? I give the commands around here. Now speak up. Who was it?" Bagheera responded, "Oh, it was me, Colonel.", "What do you mean, sir, taking over my command? Highly irregular, you know.", "Oh, Colonel, I-I'm sorry...but, but I need your help." Shere Khan gets closer to hear the conversation, but you already know what could have happened. They continue talking, "Oh, absolutely impossible. We're on a cross-county march.", "But it's an emergency, Colonel. The man cub must be found."Man cub? What man cub?" Shere Khan over hears and speaks to himself, "How interesting." You thought (Oh no.....Mowgli). They continue again, "The one I was taking to the man village.", "Good. That's where he belongs. Now, sir, If you don't mind...we'd like to get on with the march.", "No, no, no, you, you don't understand, Hathi. He is lost. He ran away." Shere Khan says to himself, "How delightful." You covered your mouth with horror thinking of the dangers Mowgli could have been into. Colonel Hathi responded, "Well, serves the young whippersnapper right.", "But, but Shere Khan, the tiger...He's sure to pick up the man cub's trail." You looked at Shere Khan and he gave out an evil smirk. You try your best not to burst into tears in front of Shere Khan. They continue, "Shere Khan. Nonsense, old boy. Shere Khan isn't within miles of here." Your tears fall down when you hear Shere khan's evil chuckles. "Oh, sorry, Bagheera. Fortunes of war, and all that
sort of thing, you know.", said Colonel Hathi, then his wife marched up towards him. "This has gone far enough. Far enough. Now just a minute, you pompous old windbag.", "Winifred! What are you
doing out of ranks?", "Never mind. How would you like to have our boy...lost and alone in the jungle?", "Our son? W-Well...but, Winifred old girl, that's an entirely different matter.", "Huh!", "Different, entirely.", "That little boy is no different than our own son. Now you help find him, or I'm taking over command.", "What! A female leading my herd? Utterly preposterous." A little elephant began to speak, "Pop? The man cub and I are friends. He'll get hurt If we don't find him. Please, Pop? Sir? Please?" Then Colonel Hathi responded, "Now don't you worry, son. Your father had a plan in mind all the time." The wife scoffed, "Sure you did." Colonel Hathi speaks, "Troopers! Company, left face! Volunteers for a special mission...will step one pace forward. That's what I like to see. Devotion to duty. Now, you volunteers will find the lost man cub." Bagheera said, "Oh, thank you, Colonel. Now there's no time to lose." Colonel Hathi begins, "Yes, yes. Well, bugler. When the man cub is sighted, you will sound your trumpet...three times.", "Yes, sir.", "Lieutenant, our strategy shall be the element of surprise." He whispers, "You will take one squad...and cover the right flank.", "Yes, sir.", "And I shall lead the other squad...on the left flank.Very well. Company!!!" You quickly covered your ears from him screaming. "Forward march!" Shere Khan says, "Element of surprise? Oh, I say. And now for my rendezvous with the little lost man cub." He turns around, "Come along now....", you head towards him, he continues "Let's get a move on. And (y/n)... you didn't hear anything of what I said have you?" You lied, "Not really I was distracted by the elephants.", but you heard every word.

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