Back to before Takumi and Keisuke raced...
"This race against the Gunma Speed Stars will be easy," said Keisuke while practicing on the mountain, yet he didn't know the surprise that will strike. Keisuke saw a flash of light and the Eight-Six was right behind and gaining on him. "I'm not getting beat by an old Eight-Six." said Keisuke as he started to get serious about the course. Keisuke was seeing that the Eight-Six was catching up to him. Keisuke started at a corner as the Eight- Six did the same. The Eight-Six stayed close until the long arch to 90 degree angle corner. Keisuke knowing the course had not started a drift because the arch lead straight to a corner. Even after this the Eight-Six started the drift. Keisuke said, "Ha, I knew this guy wasn't a local. He doesn't even know the course." Even though the Eight-Six passed, Keisuke wasn't worried. He was sure the Trueno would crash. After the arch the Eight-Six looked as if it was out of control. In a flash Keisuke saw the Trueno do an Inertia Drift (drifting the drifting the other way during as still in the drift). then the Eight-Six was gone leaving Keisuke in the dust, "I thought he wasn't a local, but now I see he's more than a local. He's the White Ghost of Akina." Little did Keisuke know, that it wasn't Bunta the actual ghost, it was Takumi that overtook Keisuke.
Initial D
FanfictionOne old anime story of Takumi Fujiwara come to Wattpad as a story of the AE Eight-Six and how the 86 GT came to be