Chapter Twelve

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A/N: So after a short visit to the US and some other adult stuff that happen I am back with another update. I know I have been inconsistent but I will try to stay motivated and continue this story. As for my recommendation book. For those who are waiting for another recommendation, you guys have to wait a bit longer. I am trying to also get back into reading and finding a few more gems :D. For now happy reading and stick with this story for more!

Camila was tired of feeling useless. She wanted to go out and play ball, laugh until she couldn't breathe, or even stretch her hands above her head to give her muscles some relief, but she couldn't. This was all because of fucking Matthew Hussey and this damn rib injury. The only thing, well, the person that has been brightening her dark moods was Lauren.

It had been nearly three weeks since Lauren had granted Camila her forgiveness and since then the two girls have been inseparable. Lauren liked spending time with Camila and Camila liked spending time with Lauren. It was that simple. In fact, the only reason Camila was allowed to see Lauren, despite her being grounded, was because the raven-haired girl was keeping her up to speed with their school lessons. Lauren was going over to the Cabello household at least three or four times per week and when she didn't come over, she and Camila would talk or text on the phone. They would be up in Camila's room where she and the brunette would go over school assignments and homework. Realistically, Camila could give a rat's ass what she missed in school, but if it meant more time with Lauren and making Sinu happy, she was fine with it.

During these study sessions, they began to talk and get to know each other better. As the weeks progressed they grew closer as friends. This new friendship was a wonderful thing, of course, however, they both knew there was still an unexplained connection between them. Quite often they would share these little moments that undoubtedly displayed feelings that went beyond friendship. Individually or at the same time, Camila and Lauren found themselves intoxicated by the attraction for one another. They would sense that overwhelming draw, but then quickly push those feelings aside for the sake of their new friendship.

An occurrence of one of these moments happened just last week when Camila had gotten the stitches removed from her cheek.

Camila was in the den, sitting on the couch when she heard her mother greeting Lauren at the front door. Seconds later, Lauren entered the den, looking as beautiful as ever in one of her school dresses. Camila quickly pushed the thought away and gave a friendly smile, concealing her true thoughts. "Hey, Lauren."

"Hi, Camila. Why aren't you up in your room?" She asked quizzically, sitting beside the brunette.

"Pure laziness..." Camila grumbled, from her slightly slump position on the couch. "After I went to the doctor I didn't really feel like battling the staircase until I had to."

"Oh, I see," the raven-haired girl nodded. She knew even climbing a staircase caused Camila to have pain. "So, your stitches are out now. May I?" She asked, indicating she wanted to take a closer look.

Camila smiled lightly and sat up a bit. She raised the leg closest to Lauren onto the couch and turned her body towards the raven-haired girl. "You know I can't deny you that," Camila purred.

Lauren scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Shut up."

Camila let out a soft chuckle as Lauren cupped her face. As the raven-haired girl inspected her wound, Camila could not help but stare at the beautiful girl in front of her. Those striking emerald eyes, those well-sculpted cheekbones, those plump kissable lips. This felt much like the time when Lauren had tended to her nose during the football game at the park. Her heart was beating fast and Camila knew she was still infatuated with this girl. But they were becoming friends now, and that was a line Camila was afraid to cross. Camila attempted to control her breathing as Lauren delicately ran a thumb under the light pink cut on her cheek,

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