Im sorry....

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Then the door open it was Sam I got up and hugged him so tight."Sam can I ask you something?" "Anything." He said sitting on the couch.I sat next to him."Do you think he remembers last night?" "What do you mean what happened last night?" "Sam something happened last and I regret it so much." I said crying."Tell me I wanna know."He said wiping my tears.I explained to him what happened and then he started crying and I just hug him real tight.Then he said "I don't think he will remember last night but maybe I don't know really." "Ok but remember if anything happens I love you Sammy." "Love u too."Then we both cuddled up to watch a movie.I fell asleep on him and then he fell asleep as well.We woke up to someone banging on the door.I got up and open the door it was Kat."Where the hell have you been all day Sam." Kat said pushing me out the way."Look I was cheering up Y/N she has not been so happy today Colby won't talk to her at all."Then they both see me run to the bathroom about to throw up."Are you ok Y/N." Sam said pulling my hair back."No I been like this most of the day."Kat came back with a rag I wipe my mouth and got up."Thanks you guys and sorry Kat for making you feel like Sam wasn't there for you the whole day." "It's ok I forgive you guys but yea Colby has been acting strange all day he won't talk to any of us he's been in his room all day." "Let's all go back to the house and I'll try talking to Colby." I said getting up and then they both agree and we left.

No Y/N is not secretly dating Sam it's just they both said I love you as a friend way just wanted to make that clear and also I'm gonna start posting Friday's and Saturday bc like why not ok love you guys peace

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