"Where you wanna go first." Colby said while looking at Hot Topic. "Let's go to a Hot Topic" I said smiling.We walked to Hot Topic while Colby was holding my hand
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We walked in and of course Colby had to grab the first thing he see's which was a Pusheen Cat."Can I please get it babe."Colby said with his ocean eyes.I couldn't say no with those eyes."Fine go ahead."I said rolling my eyes."Yay"Colby said hugging the cat.We started walking around I picked out a few shirts and Colby picked out a few shirts as well.When we were done we bought everything and then we went on to the next store.I really wanted to go to Justice.So then I looked at Colby and I said."Can we go to Justice please."Colby looked at me and rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand and I seen he was taking me there."Yay."Thanks babe.He justed looked at me and smiled.We walked in to Justice
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I looked at everything and I wanted everything but I got what I wanted and I bought a stuff animal and some clothes.Colby looked around and just started laughing.I looked at him and asked "What's so funny. " He pointed at a pink dress and said "I wanna wear this" We both started laughing and so I bought the dress as well so then when I bought everything it was about 2:00 so we headed to a food court
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So we waited in line intell we could finally order our food. I got a burger🍔 and fries🍟 Colby ordered a Nacho and a large pop.We shared the large pop.We sat down and ate our food.Once we ate our food I grabbed Colbys hand and I took him into Victoria Secret
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He thought this was a joke but nope.We looked around for a little bit intell it got around 3:00.Colby asked me "You ready to head home." I looked at him and said "Yea sure." So we headed to the car and he drove me home.Once I got home I kissed him and grabbed my stuff said I love you to him and I said "I'm taking a nap so I'll text you when I wake up." He said "Ok I love you too." Then I shut the door and watched him drive off and I headed inside put my stuff on the couch and layed in bed and fell asleep.