Chapter 20

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Yoongi stood under the shower head, lukewarm water pelting his back and shoulders gently. His eyes stayed shut as the water melted the tension from his body.

He noted the scent of the room. He had used Namjoon's shampoo and his own body wash, which caused the air to have a beautifully sweet yet intoxicatingly musky scent.

Once he stepped out of the shower, he looked around at the fogged up mirrors surrounding him. Once of the mirrors had darker streaks from where he had used his window markers to draw a picture of himself and Namjoon just a few weeks ago.

A few weeks ago.

Before the incident.

He knew he shouldn't let it bug him as much as it did, but he just couldn't help it. He shook the thoughts from his head and finished toweling off his body. He blow dried his hair then stepped into a pair of plain black boxers.

A mesh laundry hamper stood in the corner of the room, containing only his and Joon's pajamas from the night before.

The temptation was too much. He grabbed the shirt belonging to his boyfriend and held it to his face. Yoongi basked in the scent of his lover.

The man slid the shirt over his too-thin frame, grabbing the insides of the sleeves where they hung past his hands. He grabbed the collar of the shirt and pulled it against his nose again, sighing happily.

He felt a weight lift from him as he walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. On the bed, a tiny stuffed lion lay. The bedside table had a Winnie the Pooh paci on it.

He couldn't help himself. He felt himself slowly slipping further and further as he toddled over to the bed and table. Yoon clumsily flopped onto the bed to grab the lion, clutching it to his chest. It had a floppy body and a disheveled mane, but he loved the unkempt toy all the same.

Once he had the lion secured in his grasp, he rolled off the bed and collected the pacifier on the table. He popped it into his mouth and felt himself finish slipping. He smiled innocently behind the paci as he waddled out of the room.

He wandered out into the living room.

Nobody was there, so he moved on.

Yoon turned towards the sweet melody of a song drifting out of the kitchen. He bounced slightly to the beat, grinning widely, before he ventured to the source of the song.

The calming sound of the reprise version of Never Enough started playing as the boy walked into the room. There he found his lover, Namjoon, standing over the stove cooking pancakes.

Yoongi crossed the room. Once he reached Joon, he enveloped him in a back hug and nuzzled his face between the taller male's shoulder blades. Once the smaller boy let go, Joon turned around and picked up his baby, rocking back and forth to the music.

Yoongi buried his face in Joon's neck and muttered something.

"What was that baby? You need to speak up for daddy."

Yoon picked up his head for a second.

"I lobe you lots dada. An I missed you lots too."

The last part was almost a whisper, and if the songs hadn't been changing, Joon wouldn't have heard it.

"I missed you to my sweet little prince."

And it was true. Even though the two men had spent many days and nights together after the incident, it just didn't quite feel the same. Having little Yoongi back in his arms made the house feel like a home to Namjoon. He loved his boyfriend greatly when the older male was big, but he could tell that Yoongi just wasn't quite himself.

Joon placed a kiss against the Winnie the Pooh pacifier in the small man's mouth, making him smile widely. The boys continued their slow dancing while the song played its slow melody, but soon the tempo began to pick up.

Namjoon put Yoongi on the floor and held his hands. The little began to bounce sporadically to the music as Namjoon began to swing their arms to the beat.

The rising sun shone through the window, painting the room a beautiful orange hue. The song slowed to a close as Namjoon picked Yoongi back up and pulled him into a hug.

'And we will come back home
And we will come back home
Home again'

I don't know why but writing this felt like writing an ending even though I'm far from done here. I know it's been a while but I've been debating on what path I want to take with this story. Also I'm stuck in an AP class so I don't have as much free time as I'd like. But I will keep writing this whenever I have the chance.

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