{7} Round 2, Fight!

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If home is where the heart is
Then we're all just fucked
I can't remember
I can't remember
And I want it so bad
I'd shoot the sunshine into my veins
I can't remember
The good old days

Jäger sighed as he walked into the clinic to see two of his fellow GSG9 Operators glaring at each other. "Folge mir... (Follow me)" Jäger said, motioning for both Bandit and Blitz to do so, confusing the two. "Jetzt! (Now!)" he called and the two Operators hurriedly followed Jäger. "Wohin gehen wir? (Where are we going?)" Blitz asked, upon receiving no answer he just shook his head. Soon, Jäger stopped outside a door, gesturing for them to go in. The pair looked at each other before doing so, seeing Sledge once they'd walked in. "Alright lads, here's how it's gonna go down." The giant Scottish man said as he threw them each a pair of boxing gloves. "You're gonna go to town and beat the shite out of each other, and move on." He explained and Bandit frowned at him. "I'm not gonna-..." he started but was interrupted but a gloved fist connecting with his face. He looked over to see Blitz wearing his gloves, ready to beat the crap out of him. Bandit cracked his knuckles before he took a step towards Blitz only for Sledge to clear his throat. "Gloves." He said and Bandit rolled his eyes before picking up, and the putting on the boxing gloves provided by Sledge. "Go on now!" he yelled and so the fight started for real.

Bandit dodged once of Blitz punches only to be hit with his other swing. "Du wusstest, wie ich mich fühlte! (You knew how I felt!)" Blitz yelled at him as he landed a punch to his face. "Wie könnte ich? Du hast mir nie gesagt!" (How could I? You never told me!)" Bandit exclaimed before swinging towards the younger Operator. "Ich liebe sie! Nich wie du. (I love her! Unlike you.)" Blitz yelled, making Bandit turn angry. Bandit, who had previously been holding back, now swung at Blitz with full force, each punch hitting its target. "Liebe sie? Lass mich dir von der liebe erzählen! (Love her? Let me tell you about love!)" Bandit exclaimed, landing a punch in Blitz's gut. "Liebe ist schmerzhaft, zwecklos, und überbewertet! (Love is painful, pointless, and overrated.)" He yelled, landing a punch with each word, until Blitz was now laying on the floor. He spit out some blood from a split lip before looking up at Bandit. "Ich wusste, das. (I knew that.)" Bandit continued as he looked down at someone he used to call friend. "Und ich erlaubte mir immer noch, mich in sie zu verlieben. (And I still allowed myself to fall in love with her.)" Bandit said, breathing heavily while taking his gloves off. "Also tu nich so, als wüsstest du was. (So don't pretend you know what's what)" he finished as he threw his gloved to the floor next to Blitz who looked up at him, speechless. Bandit took a few deep breaths, calming himself down before he held out a hand towards Blitz, whose gaze turned confused. "Aufstehen, mein freund. (Stand up, my friend.)" he said and Blitz took his hand, Bandit helping him back to his feet, then looked at Sledge. "Are we done here?" he asked and Sledge smirked at the two. Bandit now noticed Jäger sitting beside Sledge and frowned. Sledge followed his gaze and smiled at Jäger. "Oh, he was my translator." Sledge explained and Blitz sighed. "So are you all good? Or do you need a third round?" he asked and the two previously fighting Germans looked at each other. "I think we're good." Blitz said. "We just need to talk for a bit, see where we go from here... And how we get (Y/N) to forgive us..."

(Y/N) was sitting in her room, reading a book, when she heard a knock on her door. She sighed as she closed her book, standing up and walking over to the door. She opened the reveal the two beaten up Germans. "Did you fight each other again?" she sighed and Blitz looked down, a bit ashamed. "Yes, but it made us realize something..." Bandit said and (Y/N) sighed again, stepping out of the way, letting them into her room. She walked in and sat down on the couch, waiting for them to explain. "Look, yes we did fight again, like Dominic told you, but that's also the reason we're not fighting anymore." Blitz started. "We're willing to... both date you, for a now at least. If you still want us that is" Bandit finished and (Y/N) looked at them with a quizzical look. "What do you mean 'for now'?" She asked and Blitz sighed. "We mean that yes, eventually you're gonna have to choose." Bandit explained and (Y/N) nodded slightly. "So you won't fight anymore?" she asked and they both nodded. "Then how is this gonna work?" she asked, frowning. "Well... That's up to you. You spend time with whoever you like, when you want to. And you can spend time with both of us at the same time." Blitz said, making (Y/N) nod slightly. "So you decided to leave this all up to me?" she asked. "Yes, and we've also agreed to respect your choice. If you choose him, I'll respect that. If you choose me, he'll respect it. And you can take as much time as you need before deciding" Bandit explained.

A few weeks had gone by since Bandit and Blitz showed up by (Y/N)'s door, beaten and broken, and dating the two of them was a bit exhausting she'd have to admit. Nonetheless, she loved it. She only dreaded the day she'd have to make her choice, even though they both said they'd respect it. She had already broken up the two friends before and she didn't want to do it again, not when they were finally getting along again. But for now she pushed the thoughts aside and tried enjoying the present. She was right now seated between the two in her couch, watching a movie. It wasn't perfect she'd have to admit, they did try their best to prove that they were the best choice, though without punches this time. They tried proving it by gifts, and chocolate etc.

"See! I told you that would happen!" Blitz exclaimed making Bandit groan. "Fine, you win." They had made it a game of choosing a movie none of them had seen and then after the first ten minutes try to predict what was going to happen in the end. (Y/N) smiled as she pulled out a small book in which she kept their scores. The current score was: Blitz: 10, Bandit: 8 and Movie: 5.

Sorry this chapter is so short! And a bit shit. Hope you enjoyed! Next chapter will be longer! I promise!
XOXO CarryOnMyWritingSon

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