My Rich School I Don't Belong At

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Elementary school was my best memories I didn't know what anything meant so I was happy as long as I was outside or at school. At the time everyone didn't care who you are as long as you had cool things or had a great imagination. I honestly miss that I actually loved that. I arrive at the school everyone looking at me like always but that's the price I have to pay to help a girl. The most popular girl well the richest girl really had a group of boys abused a girl named Rebecca because of the popular girl named diamond. Diamond had blond ombre hair she had a fit body big breasts and small butt but it was still basically a bubble butt and she had medium lips and grey-blue eyes and beautiful olive skin. Im not gonna lie she really makes everyone look ugly except for the football guys and Rebecca looked like every other girl they all dressed the same honestly. I had friends when I was a freshman it was the outcasts but they just turned into sensitive offended by everything pronouns and stuff type of people and I couldn't keep up or remember so I offended them a lot but it was just me I didn't mean to be rude but anyways they left me and now hate me. 

     I got to my locker and opened it there were only books and another secret bag of razors and sleeping pills and 5-hour energy. There wasn't any pictures or girly pictures any happiness just plain jane. "hey piggy" I looked at the jocks as they were laughing at me looking at my butt and the nerds next to the science station laughing. I gave a deadly look and they quickly stopped laughing trying to pretend im not there. I looked back at the boys and gave them the middle finger then they just made pig noises. "growl" shit I forgot to eat breakfast. I walk to the cafeteria to only find it closed I was 10 minutes late for breakfast and I don't have money for the vendors. So I had to suck it up and go to class and had to wait till 12:30 for lunch. 

    1st period I don't dread it at all it's my favorite out of all and that's PE. I can choose between soccer, tennis, dodgeball, volleyball, football, walking. I always choose walking but I actually run with earphones because of everyone oinks at me even the ones fatter than me which isn't fair right? it's kinda funny to me.  I realized a while ago in PE that running hel[ps me de-stress on mornings like that one. and running away or attempting to but end up getting scared and going home at 12 pm and cry in my room and ruin my thighs till I pass out and kinda repeat. Im friends with one coach and that's coach Michelle she so sweet and a beautiful teacher her body is slim and her smile is big and beautiful and her voice pretty squeaky she has beautiful ocean eyes and pretty wavy dirty brown hair. We talk like once a day asking how our mornings are and how her amazing life was and where she traveled and all the people she fucked P.S. she fucked the principal which is super funny to me. I love how she is shes so straight up and loving. The only thing is that she doesn't know what's going on in my life she just thinks im a normal kid when im not...

      2nd period is a straight bore because I hate English its all so easy and predictable with there stupid poetry that I can't relate to at all because its all bullshit and for their faint weak hearted. Also my English teacher MR. Borris is a bitch he hates me so bad like he always calls on me no matter where I sit and when I leave class he oinks like he's such a piece of shit I hate him.

       3rd period helps me forget about life because well math is hard and I use a lot of my time to it. That also means me and my math teacher are close but neither does he know my real life. His name is Mrs. daven he uses his first name instead of the last name because he wants to be friends with the students so they won't be scared to ask for help. That never worked but I took my chances and now I have a friend. Daven has a beard it black along with his comover and hs pretty short but has muscles a lot of the high school girls have a crush on him even tried to smash but he told on that girl and she got expelled so I think that girl is homeschooled now. Im not gonna lie me and daven have been mad at each other because we care about each other he said im like the daughter he's never had and honestly that made me feel so special. 

     4th is econ and that class is so interesting because I debate a lot and the teacher loves that and he loves me haha. That teacher is like my grandpa when I need hugs he's there and he's the best person in my life he has so much wisdom and not judgemental and so neutral about everything. his name his Mr. Mahoney he has a beer belly he's a plain old white man. He always has my back when people bully me the cool thing though is that he knows I don't need his help but the kids know he's best friends with the principal and the highest authority of all the schools in del. So they never dare to mess with him except the bitch diamond.

      After those classes im done with school sadly my GPA is 4.01 so technically I only need 3 classes but by law, I have to have 4 classes but after 4th I have lunch so I get lunch and extra lunch to take later to eat at home for dinner just in case the worst happens. Which is my mom and dad are both fucked up on something. So again I always take extra lunch home. I go to lunch get my lunch and the minute I walk out the cafeteria all the jocks and popular kids which I call the puppets because diamond basically controls them.  They start to oink n laugh and point at me until they don't see me and I think its so pathetic that they are wasting their time on me a useless fat girl. I walk all across the school where no one goes to and I eat there in peace just looking at the cars passing or the fit people jogging. I examine their body and compare mine and stopped eating my peanut butter and jelly and yelled in my backpack and threw my food and started crying hitting my stomach and scratching my wrist calling myself a pig and useless just letting the evil thoughts taking over. The jogging people started looking at me all crazy and I just got up and walked away giving them the middle finger for being so perfect.

    I was walking out the school gate and diamond saw me walked my way and nudged me. "move you dirty smelly little big" she smirked at me. I was already so emotionally gone I didn't wanna deal with this can you just shut the fuck up diamond and go pick on the science nerds or the fucken anime club members hopefully all there anime power will kill your fucken ass!. She just laughed at my face and the other 4 girls started crowding me taking my bag away from me" you know what piggy don't talk to me like that" she smacked me in the face I was in shock and just started crying and that's honestly the worst thing ever to show your weak side to your worst enemy. The puppets started to bring me down to the floor then diamond pulled my hair then they dragged me to the side of the school.

     The puppets held on me while diamond was taking off my pants and at that moment I thought I was gonna get raped. "piggy have u ever sent a nude hahaha" once my pants were off she told the puppets to turn me over and bend me over. no seriously stop diamond your going to far stop the puppets were too strong for me to fight off."let's see girls should I take off piggies panties". The puppets laughed and agreed and right, when she was gonna take em off a random guy, came a punched her. Diamond fell on the floor in shock and the puppets let me go. I rushed for my pants I looked up quickly to see who it was and it was a guy I hate with my heart and soul. His name is Israel Rivera the reason why I hate him is because he was part of the abuse with Rebecca and he's a dick jock. Israel looked at me up and down and I was offended and just started bursting out crying while putting on my pants quickly. "Ava im so sorry I did this to apologize to you about Rebecca you have a really good heart and I feel so guilty about it I really do and im sorry for looking at you I didn't mean to"I looked at him with fury in my eyes fuck you Israel but get her phone and delete those pics. Diamond grabbed her phone and held it high and ran with it and there went Israel determined to help me. When they left I left running home crying with my music on blast.


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