Ch. 12 We Need to Help Her

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As I slowly shut the door to her room I constantly kept thinking if there was any way that we could help cure her mind. I knew Reiji had some potions that could help erase memory, but thay would only be a temporary fix and we don't even know how much of her memory would be erased. There has to be something, I can't just sit around and hope that everything will turn out alright, I did this to her it's my responsibility to fix this. "Reiji yiu gotta help me, could you possibly know of any type of treatment or cure for Yui's condition, we cant just wipe her memory with a potion and we cant just take our chances with your wards." "Ayato, she's been through a trumatic experience..." "BECAUSE OF ME AND ALL OF US WHAT DO YOU THINK I'VE BEEN SAYING" I knew that I was scared Reiji could tell from my voice and he still knows that I keep kicking myself for what happend. But he just patiently replied, "not only has she been through severe trauma, her heart has been severely hurt because she hurt the one that she loved the most, it would take years of therapy and time to get over this, I'm sorry Ayato I want to help her too we all do, but you can't simply make a quick fix of this." I knew that Reiji was right, only time could heal this but I couldn't accept that, I'd sell my soul if it meant that Yui could get better. "I need some air I'm goin out for a while."
As I walked out of the infirmary I could hear everyone taling in their rooms, almost like they were making some sort of penance for what happend. "Yui, I'm sorry that Teddy and I were so cruel to you, if only we had known how much you were truly hurting and if I wasn't such a demented freak, I could have helped stop this!" Kanato was taking this pretty hard, out of all of us, he had grown a pretty soft spot for Yui over this last year and he almost viewed her like a big sister, too bad that his mental issues got in the way of his brotherly affection.
Next was Shu's room, "I know what I said was hurtful Yui and I know that I was the one who had betrayed you the most by doing nothing when the others hurt you, if only this apathy hadn't set into me and made me forget the wole world, but now all you can do is have some peace in your dreams." I'd never heard Shu be so sentimental before like he was having some kind of epiphany.
Next I dropped by Laito's room he was the one that got the most physical with Yui, but he almost sounded sad, pained even. "Oh little bit.. Yui, if only things could have been different who knows.... there could have been a chance for us, but that'll never happen I know that. But to do things to me while my brother had feelings for you, is something I may never truly forgive..... but then again, I should be the one talking for all the pain I caused you." So Laito actually liked Yui too I never even knew that I always just thought he was just trying to be a perv.
Finally I stopped by Subaru's room, "DAMMIT, WHY WHY WHY WHY.....why did it have to come to all this. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH US, WHY DID WE DO THIS!!" Subaru's angers getting hot today and I can't blame him, out of all of us he was the one who was the kindest to her in wvery sense of the word and he couldn't protect her. I could hear him smashing up his room a bit more, but then all I could hear was a light sob almost too quiet to hear. I'd never seen Suabru even shed a tear before, too see him crying is almost too painful to even watch.

When I finally stepped outside, the sun was shining and it was a fairly cool Autumn day, the trees were turinig brown and the birds had gone silent. I decided to light up a cigarette... funny I never even smoked before but after all this I decided to break out this pack that my dad had gotten me one time, probably the only gift he's ever given me. The stupid lighter was having some trouble lighting but I just kept trying. "Need any help with that?" I knew that voice but what was he doing here? "What do you want now old man?" "Can't I just stop by and visit my family?" "Don't pull that crap with me whaddya want." He walked up to me and lit the cigarette for me and lit one up himself and he just stood there next to me.  "I heard about what happend with all of you, I can't say I knew rhat it was coming bu-" "oh spare me the lecture, we all know what we did wrong." "But for what it's worth I'm sorry that you all went through that and her. I didn't think that her mind would break like that when she came here." "So you knew all along that she'd be here with us, I'd probably fight you right now and try to kill your ass... but I'm too tired and all this has just made me exhausted and I don't wanna deal with your crap." He just stood there smoking a bit more and then he just told me something miraculous. "What if I told you there was a way to cure her, to make her mind be free of the pain and madness."

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