The Story Starts

708 7 3

In A Tree fort...

"What's for lunch?"
Finn said as he plays video games with BMO.

"It's Everything Burrito"
Said Jake


*Knock Knock*
Then a Dog opened the door.
"Can we eat please..." Hotdog Princess asked.

"No." Then Jake slammed the door.

"Okay. Do you wanna ea..."


"They can wait!..."


"Ugggggh. Fine"

Then Jake Opened the door again


In the Candy Kingdom...

"HA!" Shouted Princess Bubblegum

"I'm Done!"

"You're done?!" Said Adventure Tim.

-Adventure Tim is a Fictional Character only appears in Adventure Time Comics.
He appears in Issue #3 (I guess?)
When Finn and Jake wanted the Whole Cupcake that BMO made.
BMO decided to challenge both of them. The one who gets the farthest wins and gets the whole Cupcake.
They ended up going forward to Adventure Tim's Tree Fort.

"We made another Universe for you guys." PB said

"Thanks" AT (Adventure Tim) said.



"Ooooooh" Everyone said.

"You guys ready?" PB said


When PB presses activate. It Made a Beam then it failed...

"Awwww" said Everyone

Now they fled

"Sorry AT... I think the vortex is extremely difficult to operate it."

"It's okay PB. Maybe next time."
AT said.

"See ya"


In the Treehouse...
"Thanks for coming!" said Finn

"Good thing they left" said Jake



Now Finn and Jake were getting ready for Bed until...


"Jake!" said Finn "What was That?!"

"I dunno. Maybe we'll check it out"

Jake is Spooked
Finn is Spooked

Finn has his own sword with him and they were about to get ready

"Finn, Finn, FINN!!! Be BRAVE"
said Finn as he said to Himself.

Then they saw Two Shadows.


Now they battled against the Shadows until a Beam of a Moon shined at them.

Finn lighted the lantern and they saw. A girl with a Bunny hat with a Blue Shirt and White tights
And a Cat.

Finn summoned his Sword to a Girl

"Who are YOU?!"

"No. Who are YOU and why you're in our house?"
The Stranger said.

"No! It's our house! We stayed here since like 7 years ago!"



"Fine, my name is Fionna and this is Cake"

"My name is Finn and this is *gasp*"

Finn was suprised when he heard their names reminded of Ice King's fanfiction.

"Fionna and Cake?"

"Wait you guys are Finn and Jake?!"


"From Ice Queen's Fanfic Book!"

Now Fionna as she was suprised   in front of Finn and the rest.

She felt that she saw that Finn as her clone except its just her GENDERBENT.

And Finn was thinking the same

"You guys are supposed to be in Ice King's Fanfiction!" Finn as he's confused

"And you babes are supposed to be in Ice Queen's Fanfiction!" said Cake

"Isn't She in love with us?" Jake questioned



"Okay goodnight everyone. We'll meet you tomorrow so go outside to your house" Fionna said.

"THIS IS OUR HOUSE!" said Jake angrily

"It's okay Jake. Maybe we'll just sleep in Neptur's" said Finn

Now they got outside.

Cake closes the door

"OK baby put on your pjs and sleep" Cake said

Now Fionna feels so bad for Finn and Jake.


"Hey guys you can sleep here if you want to..."Fionna said

"Ugh yessssss!" Jake said

Now Finn and Fionna Face timed
And Finn smiled at her

"Thanks" Finn said

"Welcs" Fionna said as she blushes

"Goodnight Finn"

Goodnight Fionna"

In 8am

"Ahhh! Oh my Glob, Glob, OH MY GLOB!" LSPrincess and LSPrince as they run from a random beast...

In the Treehouse...

Jake was awake with Cake
Making Breakfast for All of them

They heard a scream from them...

"What's that sound?" Cake said

"Your Butt?! OHHHHH!" Jake said

"Nice one baby but seriously. What's that noise?!"

"Can you please stop saying like that please... it's irritating me...
If Lady finds out this... it would be a breakup from us"

"I will unless you say sorr..."

Then a beast crashed our house.

"AHH!" Finn screamed in his PJ's

"What's going on!" Fionna

"What is This!?"

Then the beast growled so bad


Finn and Fionna charged then The Beast caught them and Throwed at Jake and Cake.

Suddenly... a light bulb hit to Finn's mind...

"I have an idea! Cake and Jake! You rope around This... Beast whatever and Fionna and Me will give him a Stab! Cool? Okay guys now!"

Now Jake and Cake
Roped around the Beast's body then STAB!

What Beast did that come from?

And What happened to the others?

To Be Continued...

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