Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

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24 hours most people would think is a long time,

others thinks it's not long enough.

When you want the day to be over it's a long drawn out day,

when you want the day to be as long as it could be it will fly by like a blink of an eye.

Don't waste your time,

Live the Life you want to Live.

Don't waste your time on those who don't appreciate you,

spend your time with those who do and those who make you happy.

Don't waste your time with those who only want you around when it fits their needs,

spend your time with those you love you for you and will always be there.

Don't waste your time trying to be someone your not,

be yourself and never let anyone change who you are because you are beautiful.

Don't waste your time on those who hurt you,

spend your time with those who deserve you.

Remember Yesterday is gone, Today is going and Tomorrow may never come.

Everyday is a gift, spend your time doing what you love and NEVER waste your time or someone else's.

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