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Its been exactly two days after music's camp. After school, me and Dino along with few of his friends and also Lyn, had been spending our times at bubble tea cafe near our school.

It's my first time, hanging out with people other than Sungjae and Eunkwang's friends. It's feel so nice to sometimes doing something out from my comfort zone. I feel so happy to finally have a new friends.

Dino's friends had been nothing but nice towards me and Lyn. Lyn also already knows about Vernon dating her enemy, but she told me that maybe she never had any feelings towards him, consider how she doesn't feel hurt after hearing that news.

She also seems close with Mingyu. Based on how both of them interacts with each other, maybe just maybe they feels something with each other. They looks so fine together, even fine than Sungjae and Mina. Sorry '6Cash'.

Gladly, Eunkwang Oppa had been nice with Dino, he doesn't do anything to Dino, yet.

"So, can you?" I asked.

Dino and me decided to spend our time together, again. But this time, only two of us, alone. At first, I don't want to go because I want to spend my free time on my bed, watching netflix or reading books, but yeah Dino had an idea to bring me to a park.

When we are enjoying our scenery, suddenly I remembered that my mom and my dad, asked me to bring my 'unlucky' new bestfriend. Why I said 'unlucky' because both my parents decided to teases me and call me 'weird' eventhough they are the real definition of weird.

"Dinner with your family? Can I bring someone else?" He looked at me with a hope shining in his eyes. Who wants to meet my parents, no my family alone? Three of them, in one room? Yeah definitely not me. If all of them in one place, you better pray to god, prepare your mental and pyshical. If not, you will become weird or worst, you will got some mental illness.

It's not a joke, everyone.

"Yeah, I think you should. Bring your brother or whoever, just don't bring you 'girlfriend" I replied with a smirk.

"Since when I've a girlfriend? By the way, I also wanted to ask you something"

"What is it?"

"Do you perhaps had any feelings towards Seokmin Hyung?" He raised his eyebrow. He looks so adorable when he was curious, like really really adorable.

Why do I say he is adorable?

It's because, I finally realised about my feelings towards him. I liked when he smile, when he laughs over something, over my bad jokes. I liked when he cared about me, when he performs. I liked everything about him, hence I even thinks that maybe, I also love him?

"No. If you ask me before, maybe I said yes. But now, not anymore. I had been liking one boy. Only him, and I hope he realise it soon" I replied, looking anywhere but him.

He must be curious and wants to ask me more about 'him' but, I quickly cut him and told him that I need to go home and not forget to remind him about dinner at my place tomorrow.

When I was walking to my home, I thinks that, if he likes me too, what will happen between us? If he will ended up leave me like how my previous boyfriend leave me?

I'm a liar if I told you that I'm not scared. The truth is, I was too scared, too scared to lose him, to see him with another girls, to know that he never had any feelings towards me. I'm scared.

When I arrived at my house, I saw a girl sat on a bench at my house's garden. It's definitely not my mom, and I don't have any sisters. My aunt and my cousins also didn't told me that they wanted to visits us or what.

She turns around and looks at me, yeah I don't know her, and never saw her before.

"Hm, sorry if its rude or what, but who are you?" I asked.

With a shy smile, she opens her mouth and want to reply my question but Eunkwang Oppa had cut her before she reply.

"Hana, that's my college's friends. We had an assignment to do together. If you don't mind, we should do our works, so you can go now"

"Woah, so rude. Okay fine, don't come to me when you had any problems" I sulked and walk to my room, not before saw that girl disappointed frown.

There's must be something that Eunkwang Oppa hides from me. But, it's okay, I will find out about it soon.


"Sooooo, he agreed to joins us tomorrow night. But he told me that he wants to brings someone too. If that's okay for you two?" I looked at my parents.

My mom smiled and my dad just glared at me. He can't blame me that Dino agrees to join us, he was the one who gives us that idea after all. He must be thinking that Dino was too scared to meet him. Not that Dino was so brave either, but I guess he just want to show me that he's not a scaredy cat.

"That was fine for us. But, you kids need to help me prepares everything" My mom said earned a looks from my brother.

"But, it's not my friends. Just ask Hana to do everything. I was so tired" Eunkwang whines. My mom shook her head and gets up from a couch and walk to kitchen followed by my father.

I told you, even though my dad looks like a gangster at outside, but in insides, he was soft than puddings.

I laughed at my brother's antics and walked to my room and start doing my homeworks and studying a little.


I was walking to my locker when I saw something that catches my attention. Besides my locker, there was a girl I never saw before. Maybe a new girl?

She looks so gorgeous with a ponytail and full-packed of lips. She didn't dress like how most of students here wears. She looks like me but in a better looks. She also doesn't wears any makeups but still looks so pretty.

She was too busy looking at her schedule and didn't even realised that I was beside her. When she finally looked up from her schedules, she looks suprised to saw me. Wearing a smile, she starts a conversation with me.

"Hey, uhm I'm new here. Hm ofcourse you realised it. Uhm, its so awkward. Uhm, oh yeah, my name is Rein. Park Rein. Nice to meet you" She said with a shy smile. She looks awkward to talk to me.

"Hey, I'm Hana, Seo Hana. It's nice to meet you too." I smiled.

I want to ask her about her schedule when suddenly Dino came and hugs Rein. Okay it's unexpected.

My heart suddenly feels like had been stabbed so many times when I saw what happened infront of me. I had so many question that I want to ask him. But I can't, I feels so hurts. So jealous. With a tears, I walk away from them and go to ladies's toilet.

I don't know who she is. What if she was his crush, or even worse, she is his girlfriend?


A cliffhanger. Guess who is Park Rein? Is she really his girlfriend or what?

So sorry for my late update. I've been busy with my life. One by one problems came. No idea how to solve all of them in once. So tired actually to faced a lot of problems.

See you in next chapter!

Seventeen but Thirteen 💐 [SEVENTEEN DINO ff] [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now