7 - Save Me

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⚠️Attempt rape in this chapter but no smut ⚠️
⚠️You have been warned ⚠️


Jaemin and his colleges were driving in 6 big black cars, police got them through the city but didn't join them in the fight as they drove away.

K.K.S Society was on the other side of the whole city, really downtown. Jaemins anger was still strong and revenge clawed his brain and thoughts. 2 of the large black cars drove one way while another two drove the other way, surrounding the area. Armed with weapons, like guns and bombs.

"Boss, we've arrived." One man said in the passenger seat, and looked back at Jaemin.

"Get your guns ready, and remember your training." Jaemin said lowly and signaled everyone out of the car.

They were parked in an unseen area, and the K.K.S Society building was not that big, but not that small either. It was covered in graffiti and paint and there was shattered glass and trash everywhere.

Jaemin quickly and silently led his men to the back of the building. Jaemin then made a signal with his hands and two men ran infront of him to the sides of the big door.

Then Jaemin started counting down his hands, and when he got to one they all ducked and Jaemin presses a button, and a huge bomb went off as the doors flew open.

They instantly heard alarms, and gunshots.

"Open fire!" Jaemin yelled and shots could be heard from the whole building.

Another bomb went off and that's when Jaemin flew in, Doyoung, Lucas and Johnny right behind him. They shoved through everyone and shot a few of them. Jaemins men flew in like a pack of wasp, and attacked.

Jaemin then got a good look of everything, and turned behind him to Doyoung and the others.

"Check every room! Find him! Kill anyone in your way!" Jaemin yelled, and they all said "yes sir" and ran different directions. Jaemin watched and then made his way in the opposite direction, knowing where K.K.S' boss stands.

He then got to a familiar looking door and walked straight towards it, and then a man suddenly appeared and fired a shot at him. It hit Jaemin in the chest, but then fell bounced right off, and onto the ground.

"Dang, if I wasn't wearing a bulletproof suit, you could've gotten me." Jaemin said sarcastically.

Jaemin kept walking towards him and the man ran towards him holding a big knife, but didn't get very far as Jaemin shot him in the neck, and the man fell over dead.

Jaemin then got a bomb and let it off as he threw it towards the doors. They flew open and he entered the room, scanning it. It was empty.

"Jeno!"Jaemin yelled and looked around swiftly for any movement. Then he heard a scream to his right and instantly looked over to see a door, blocked with chains and ready bombs. Jaemin had to do this smartly.

"Jeno!" Jaemin yelled. "I'm coming!"


Jeno heard Jaemin. He heard him through those big metal doors, and struggled even more from the men in the clown mask.

He was kidnapped.

And now he was being harassed.

They were hitting him, talking dirty to him, and yelling in his face. He had already cried and sobbed, but now he angry and scared. He was being beat on the cold floor and he protected himself as much as he could, but his body pained and hurt.

Then a man behind the mask yelled "hurry up and just do it!" And Jeno felt himself being lifted and thrown onto a mattress. He then realized what they were going to do with him and instantly screamed and started kicking the big man with the clown mask.

The man ripped at Jenos shirt and Jeno hit him with all his force but didn't get very far as his hands were still tied, painfully tight. And his body was so sore from all the beating.

He felt his pants being taken off as he felt tears down his cheeks. He didn't want this, he didn't want his virginity taken by this horrible man, he didn't want to be raped.

Jeno saw the two other men scurry out the roll and gun shots being fired, he heard screaming and yelling but it was all muffled by his cries for help.

"Please! Jaemin!! Jaemin!" Jeno kept yelling for his guardian, but no anvil. He was still being man handled by this horrible man and the man finally got his pants off. Jeno then tried to kick him in the face, but he was so small and so weak, that it didn't even effect him.

Jeno cried and fought but his body was slowly starting to give up and become so weak.

Then he heard a gunshot, and it was so loud and so close that he had to close his eyes in fear. When he opened them, he saw the clown was frozen, and he was confused until he looked over and saw Jaemin, holding a gun, and panting while looking like a wild man.

"Fucking bastard. I thought you learned not to touch what is mine." Jaemin panted out and ran over and shoved the man off of Jeno. Jaemin instantly lifted Jeno to sit up and Jeno instantly made a yelp in pain, and Jaemin said a quick 'sorry' and cut off the painful tying on his wrist.

Jaemin then grabbed Jenos pants and his sweater, and helped him put them back on.

"Shh shh your okay now." Jaemin kept saying but Jeno just couldn't stop the tears running down his cheeks. Jaemin kept wiping them, and shushing Jeno softly. Then he clicked a button on his earpiece.

"Get the car, blow this place." Jaemin said and quickly picked up Jeno and shot a window open. They jumped out and Jaemin landed swiftly on his feet and ran with Jeno in his arms to the large black car. He jumped in and yelled.

"Let's go! Drive! Blow it!" Jaemin said and the building then blew up. Into a million flames, men falling out the window was seen and screams were heard. Jaemin covered Jeno ears and eyes as Jeno was already frightened and scared.

The car was driving away, Jaemin watching the scene happen.

Then he looked down at Jeno who was looking up at him. Those big scared orbs made Jaemin so angry, but soft.

He caressed Jenos cheek and whispered, "it's okay now baby, it's okay."

Jeno could only nod slowly, and burry his head in Jaemins chest.

And passed out.

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