I was doing my hair and I hear a knock on my door I go answer the door and see Zach and he immediately attack
Zach I squealed Jace I missed you so much Jace Zach between kisses he finally let me get up and we sit on couch and Zach pulls me in to between his legs and wraps his hands around my waist
Immediately melt into him and we watch a movie and I fall sleep in his arms
Zach pov Jace falls a sleep in my arms she looks so peaceful and cute man I really want to make her mine I sighed then I get a text form corbyn
Corbyn Are you coming home dude
Zach Do have to 😩
Corbyn Yes
Zach I don't want to
Corbyn Why not
Corbyn Ok Zach do you need your stuff
Zach Yes thx corbyn
Corbyn No problem
End of conversation
Zach POV
Corbyn brings me my stuff I and I bring jace up to her room and she woke up a little. Why are you leaving she said half a sleep "do you want me to stay" I said smirking "I mean you can" she said half a sleep I smirk I climb into her bed and wraps her hands around her waist and kiss her forehead and we fall a sleep together
Jace POV
I wake and feel someone's arms around me I looked up and see Zach. My god why is he so cute "Jace" Zach mumbled in his raspy morning voice "morning zachy" I said bopping his nose "ugh why do you have to bop my nose" Zach said ignored
Me and Zach get ready for the day
What I where
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Zach's outfit
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Zach POV
I get a text form Daniel
Daniel We need to go studio
Zach Ok
End of conversation
"Jace I need to go to the studio" I said "why!" Jace said "because that my job" I said. Jace hugged me goodbye