Chapter Three: Time with Ezra

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A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading my story! And thank you SomeoneWhoForgot for shouting me out! No one would've read my story if you hadn't shouted me out! I can't thank you enough. :> ❤️❤️❤️❤️


A few hours had passed since Cameron had told you that it was obvious Ezra liked you. He was still sleeping and you were getting impatient.
You finally decided to take action.
Walking over to him and crossing your arms, you plotted how you were going to wake him.
I could lay down ontop of him until he wakes up...
Nah too unoriginal.
You stepped over him so you could see his face better.
Maybe piling a bunch of pillows on him so he can't breath? No no, that would just make him angry..
Then the most amazing idea it hit you.

Running over to Cameron who was sitting on the couch, you told him your plan and asked if he would record it. You walked back to Ezra with Cam behind you, camera ready.
You grabbed your phone out from your pocket and searched up one of Ezra's videos on YouTube and tapped on one, bringing up to his ear.
You turned up the volume on your phone all the way and when the video loaded, all that could be heard was,


You and Cam burst out with laughter while Ezra jolted awake, groaning and pushing your phone away from his ear.
"What the fuck are you idiots doing?" He laughed a bit and sat up.
"It's time to wake up!"
Cameron said as he stopped recording and held the camera in his lap.
You smiled at Cameron before looking over to Ezra, ruffling up his hair.
He chuckled and stared at you a bit. You felt your body heat up after remembered what Cameron has said.
You smiled and pushed Ezra's face gently.
"Weirdo." You giggled and stood up.
Cameron was just watching you two and when you walked away and sat on the couch, Cam smirked at Ezra.
Standing up, he rolled his eyes.
Ezra pushed his shoulder and started walking into the kitchen.
"Shut up, Cameron."
Cam chuckled shortly after and followed him into the kitchen.
"What?? I didn't do anything!"
You laughed slightly as you heard them bickering in the kitchen.

After a while, you three decided to go out again. Just for a walk and to look around a bit. A lot of the time you would catch Ezra looking at you.
Cameron would tease him about it, which made Ezra genuinely pissed, which made you laugh like an asshole.

"Okay, okay, I have to be on Cam's side on this one. I've sees you staring at me, like at least 4 times, Ezra."
He rolled his eyes in response while Cameron smiled.
"Yeah yeah yeah, whatever. Y'know, you're lucky that you're you because if you were literally anyone else I would have gotten so fucking mad." He laughed as you stuck your tongue out at him.
You looked around a bit and saw a little corner shop that sold trinkets.
"Hey!" You pointed to it, "Let's go in there! We could buy like souvenirs or something."
The both of them looked to where you were pointing.
"Oh yeah, sure."
Cam said and you started crossing the streets with them when you saw there were no cars on the road.
"Careful, (Y/N)."
Ezra said to you, constantly glancing left and right as he crossed the street with you.
You snorted softly. "Okay, dad."
He rolled his eyes playfully as the three of you walked into the store.
There were already a few people inside. Considering how small the shop was, this surprised you.
You looked over to Ezra.
"Hey. Make sure you don't get lost in here, okay?" You laughed as he chuckled.
"Yeah, nice one, (Y/N)." He smiled at you, which made you smile back.
You and Ezra had a lot of moments like this. Just staring at each other. You were always the one to finally break it because you didn't want to get embarrassed via Cameron teasing you.
You looked forward and you could've sworn you saw Ezra frown the slightest bit out of the corner of your eye.
The three of you split up to check out what the shop had in-store. ( hehe get it )
As you checked out a few things, the cashier walked up to you.
"Do you like that one? It's hand crafted."
You smiled and turned to him.
"Wow. That must have taken a lot of work, huh?"
He nodded and picked up a small silver bear from the shelf.
"This one was made from pure silver."
He started to go on about the origins of the silver bear, but honestly you were getting bored.
But, being the kind person you are, you waited until he was finished to walk away. As you did, he followed you, now trying to make you buy the thing.
"Um.. I'm sorry. Im not interested."
You said without turning to him.
You were frantically looking around for Ezra or Cameron to help you get this man to stop talking to you.
Okay, you were only looking for Ezra.
When you finally saw him out walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder with a small, "Help."
Ezra turned around and saw the cashier behind you, looking upset but also determined to make you buy this thing.
"Do we have a problem here, sir?"
The man opened his mouth to speak but you cut in.
"Can you just tell him to leave me alone and that I don't want whatever he's trying to give me? I tried, obviously it didn't work."
Ezra furrowed his eyebrows.
"Hey, can you fuck off our asses?"
You gasped and turns to Ezra, smacking his shoulder.
"Ezra! Be nicer!"
He glanced down at you before speaking again.
"Fine. Can you fuck off our asses, please?"
You really weren't shocked that Ezra said that to this man but, hey, it worked.
The only problem was he kicked all three of us out of the store.

You looked at Ezra.
"Are you kidding me? Seriously? You really said that to him?"
Ezra didn't look at you.
"No, I'm not kidding. Yes, I was serious and yes I did say that to him. There, happy?"
You felt anger start nipping at you.
Who the fuck does he think he is?
You looked to Cameron. "C'mon Cam. Let's go back."
You looked up at Ezra.
You muttered to him as you started walking back with Cameron beside you.
"Why are you so quiet?" You looked to Cameron.
He looked back at you. "I didn't want to interfere with your guy's problem."
"Who do you think was right?"
"(Y/N), you need to understand and remember that Ezra likes you. He just got mad that that dude was harassing you."
You sighed and glanced back at Ezra who quickly looked away from you two.

"You couldn't have told me that any earlier?"

A/N: DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA!!! I hoped you enjoyed!! ❤️❤️

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