That wedding story

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If you're in the age range of 25ish to 30ish, then you probably get invited to wedding  events. It's just funny that as you get older, the closer the person getting married is to you. For example, when I was around 20 I get invited because my mom was one of their principal sponsors. At 30 I got invited because I am one of the groomsmen or is the best man and my friends are getting married left and right.

The humiliation (or fun depends on what type of a person you are) diminishes after a certain point. Before, I was always asked to join the bachelor games because I didn't have a girlfriend or a wife that time. Eventually, I got skipped because my date was my girlfriend that time and the couple that just got married got the 'don't include my boyfriend' speech earlier. Eventually, I got married myself (a story for some other time) and I am not even an option anymore (rofl).

My wife and I recently attended one of her close friend's wedding. We were the ones who made the bouquet for the entire entourage (origami) as it was one of my wife's hobbies. Originally, my wife would be the only one to attend the event but due to people backing out before the wedding, some slots opened up and I get to come along.

Now that we got there, my wife told me a funny information that skipped her mind and she never thought to tell me before we got there. She's the only one representing the entire college side of the groom (her friend). So I asked her laughing, 'So... we don't know anyone here yes?' and she replied 'correct!'. I am the type of person who can hold my own even if I don't know anyone around but, In situations like this, I get the creeps yo!

Most of the times, I hate it when you don't know anyone at the party. You get invited, but, does that really mean you have to go? I mean yes, we did the bouquet and yes, you're friends with the groom, but, I kinda feel like you're not part of that 'world' anymore. Not part of your friend's 'world' anymore and it's more evident by getting invited and be the only person in that room to not know anybody.

Personal opinions aside, I'm happy for my wife's friend and I'm sure she is too. I know my wife doesn't mind it but, for me, people come and go. It doesn't mean you're not friends anymore, but, for the most part, there are instances where, even if you're invited, you shouldn't go. I guess that's how an adult processes event invitations now.

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