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Blue shifted in her sleep, rolling over until she felt her nose come into contact with something warm. Her hooded eyes came into contact with a tan colored chest. Her eyes immediately followed the set of abs that were clearly defined by the sharp ridges.

She kept following down until she reached a small patch of her leading to his v line. She was snapped back by the sound of a low chuckle, the vibrations shaking his chest slightly.

"Good morning angel." Blue looked up to see a set of honeyed eyes staring into hers with a look of pride. He had woken to the feeling of his mate's breath against his skin. The sensation tickled his senses. He watched in satisfaction as his mate enjoyed what she had saw.

   Blue on the other hand froze in embarrassment. Her cheeks felt hot as she had gotten caught in her endeavor, somehow losing focus. What if thought she was a creep? The woman shuddered at the thought before mustering up the last few pieces of her dignity and responding back.

"good morning." Her voice was slightly raspy from the dryness in her throat, to which Theo responded with passing her the cup of water. She gulped the water down, a small sound leaving her lips from the smoothness of her throat now that the dryness had cleared.

"momma." Blue turned to see her child crawling towards her. He held onto her arm, rubbing his cool face on her shoulder.

"morning, my little baby." she gave the boy a small grin, his eyes brightened in glee, feeling relieved that she seemed to be feeling better.

"Can you help me up please?" She asked the blonde male who didn't hesitate to assist her.

Theo slid from behind her and stretched real quick. Blue set Ash on the bed and Theo grabbed both of her arms and gently lifted her up.

"Alright I think I can take it from here."

"I'd rather you know that you have it and not think that you do."

I can already tell that he's something else.

"Hey!" He pouted, pushing out his warm pink lips.

"I said it out loud didn't I?"

He shook his head.

"Well you know it's true, ain't no denying it."

He pouted again and she giggled quietly. He was too cute.

He assisted her to the bathroom and as she was about to close the door, she heard a whimper.

Looking up, her tired brown eyes saw Ash on his knees, his lips quivering and tears welling up in his eyes.

"I'll be back in a few, I'm just going to the bathroom." He nodded while sniffling and wiping his eyes with his tiny hands.

Once the bandaged woman finished, she washed her hands and caught a flash of her reflection out of her peripheral. She immediately cringed at her appearance. She looked... she couldn't even put it into words.

Scratched littered her face, bruises painted her once brown cheeks, and her hair, tangled and matted. The rest of her body was buried under thick white wraps and bandages.

Her eyes that were once full of exuberance were now as dull as an overused pencil. Deep bags slept under her eyes, making shelter in the creases underneath her lids.

There was a fine ass man out there that had looked at her for the past two days and she looked like this all along. She internally cringed out of embarrassment, shying away from the mirror.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of her name being called. She opened the door and outside was Theo pacing around like a crazy person.

"I knocked on the door a couple times but you didn't answer." He said with worry written all over his face.

"My bad."

He nodded and helped me back into the bed.

"Are you hungry?"

She mumbled a small yes and told her that he'll return with food. Ash who had waited patiently next to the end of the bed, crawled between her arms and snuggled in the open spot within her legs .

"T-t-t-that man k-k-kinda s-scares m-me a-and he k-keeps twying to t-take you from m-me." he stuttered.

The woman rubbed his back. "He may look scary but I bet he's really nice. I won't leave you I'll always protect you and don't you forget that." She tapped his nose with her pointer finger, smiling at the little giggle that left his lips. 

The door opened, Blue smiled getting ready to thank the blonde haired man until she saw that it was someone who lose instead. The man closed the door behind him. Turning towards her with smile— well not even a smile— more like a wicked grin. She tightened her grip on her child as the look in his eyes were replaced with a more sinister glint.

She opened her mouth, getting ready to scream for help when suddenly, he  appeared right in front of her. Clamping his hand over her mouth, leaning closer to his face, and leaving only a small gap between them.

Ash growled, biting the man's hand when it inches closer to his mother's neck. The man didn't budge, tossing Ash to the other side of the room as if he were nothing but a small pest. The small child whimpered out in pain, vision blurring from the impact.

Blue's eyes widened, her heart clenched in fear and anger as she saw the trail of blood left on the wall. She fought against him, ignoring the sharp  flickers of pain from her injuries. The man pinned her arms down, eyes turning red as he smelled the scent of her blood.

"You smell divine.

His tongue slid down her neck and trailed upwards until the trails of her tears lingered no more. Her body shook in disgust, the feeling of dread making an appearance when she felt his fangs nick her neck. He yanked her hair to side, exposing her neck and sinking his teeth into her.

He tightened his hand on her throat leaning her gasp less. She desperately scratched as his hands, trying to regain the oxygen she was quickly losing. Her body started to slacken while the man's hold only grew tighter. Black dots splattered across her eyes, as she tried to stay afloat.

She heard a loud thud before her body was set free. She wheezed heavily, gulping down large amounts of air. She turned her head, meeting the eyes of Theo. The once warm look was replaced by an angry gold with specks of red swirling around. His chest emitted harsh, animalistic growls,
fingers growing into claws. He lifted the man up by his throat, slamming his back into the wall, leaving a deep imprint.


"I-I-Im s-s-sorry."

He slammed the man against the wall once more, but this time the man didn't move. He hung limply, a hole resided where his heart once laid. Theo's hand held the once beating heart, blood caressed his fingers and forearms as he crushed it with ease.

His eyes met her once more before hers shut from shock. The last thing she managed to hear was the sound of a loud whimper before darkness shrouded her mind.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2022 ⏰

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