Like that would heal her wounds

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Song: Take Me - Miso

Her breath sped up as her speed did. She reached out a hand and caught Natalia's arm, causing the girl to spin around. "Can I talk to you?" Agnes asked desperately. "Please?"

Natalia looked back at her with a blank face. Eventually she nodded and Agnes dragged her through the school and out the door. They came to the shaded place they always sat and Agnes gestured for Natalia to take a seat.

"How I acted was absurd and unnecessary. I shouldn't have been so harsh and defensive. Nat, I don't like walking around without you by my side. You mean a lot to me and I can't go on when you're upset at me." Natalia looked up at Agnes with a ghost of a smile on her mouth. Her best friend had a way with words and she always knew what to say.

"I shouldn't have been so upset. We've been friends for as long as I can remember, I don't know why I got so cut up about such a little thing."

Agnes smiled as Natalia continued.

"But Agnes, don't dare say I don't respect you. Of course I respect you, and I love you, and I admire you. I just couldn't believe you could think that I don't." Agnes' shoulders dropped. Honestly, she didn't know quite why she had said that. Now she knew that she had deeply hurt Natalia.

The girl quickly swiped away her tears. She took a deep breath.

"You know that I respect you. Think before you say things, Agnes. You are grand with words but your impulsivity will ruin you."

This struck deep into Agnes' mind. That didn't just apply to this situation and she was annoyed that she couldn't explain just how wise Natalia was.

Agnes grabbed her and held her like that would heal her wounds. It didn't, of course, but it helped subside the pain.

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