Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Lily woke with a start and looked at Alex.

“Bad dream?” he asked.

“Can’t remember, why?”

He shrugged “Just sounded like one”

“Where are we?”

“In the mountains, I think we’re quite close to telescope peek actually. I grew up here, in these mountains with my brother” when he talked about his brother his voice grew quiet and full of regret. She decided not to ask about him it, it was obvious how difficult Alex found it to talk about.

“It’s getting dark should we be driving through here at night?” she asked timidly.

“I was thinking the exact same thing actually, we’ll need to pull over and get some sleep” he replied.

“Um…okay” she looked out the window and saw mountains rising on either side of them with a majestic kind of beauty.

Alex stole a glance at Lily; she looked so beautiful, her head tilted upwards slightly as she gazed at the mountains with awe, her mouth parted slightly. He shook it off, each time he let someone in he was just hurt when they were killed or worse, that could not happen again. She was in so much danger she would probably die within the week any way, he could not love her, he wouldn’t. He pulled over and lowered his seat in to a comfy sleep position. Lily shivered and he gave her his jacket. She thanked him quietly and draped it over her shoulders, curled up in a ball and fell asleep. A few hours later he was still awake so he turned over to look at Lily she looked so peaceful like this. Suddenly her face contorted in terror, she tensed up and tears started to streak down her face. Alex reached over and shook her gently saying her name. She sat bolt upright tears still falling freely down her face.

“Lily it’s okay it wasn’t real you’re safe”

“It seemed so real there were faces, so many faces” she let out a sob and Alex put his arms around her like he could protect her from the world. They sat like that for a long time while she cried.

Ash could see that he loved her clearly and it made his blood boil. He waited until both had fallen asleep then crept up to the car and gently carried the girl out being careful to keep her asleep using compulsion. Then he mentally told Alex where he was taking her, he would come and know the same pain that he had caused Ash.

Alex woke as the sun came over the horizon and turned his head to the side but Lily was not there. Suddenly he was wide awake and alert. Suddenly he remembered his dream Ash had come to him and told him she was in the mountain where it had all started; he revved the engine and stepped on it.

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