Untold Lies

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This following chapter's Idea was suggested by AmandaAishi


[Kusuo is so cute when he sleeps...] Teruhashi thought to herself, staring at Saiki. [I want to be here with him forever, and just hug him and cuddle wi-] Teruhashi stops. She stops because... she was hit with a tranquilizer dart. She was shot through Saiki's conveniently open window. The last thing she remembered was a dark shadow climbing in through said window. "Ku... Su..." She whispered before going unconscious.

Saiki woke about 4 hours later, immediately knowing something was up, perhaps it was that there was no Kokomi to greet, not even with a hug. *Maybe she is downstai- No, her thoughts aren't there. hmm... Clairvoyance?* But when Saiki tries, he ends up with nothing. *Ok, that's... strange... She isn't dead, or else I could find her body, but she isn't findable either.*

That's when Saiki's TV flares to life, revealing none other than...Makoto, Kokomi's brother. He was laughing, but, there was no audio, so he just looked stupid... but... then something dawned upon Saiki. The only one capable of doing this...

Saiki's brother, Kusuke. Kusuke steps into the screen and presses a button (that's off screen) and the audio comes pouring through. Makoto is still laughing, but less than before. As Saiki watches... Kusuke starts speaking, "Hello, brother, I see you have found out that your girlfriend is missing." Makoto stops laughing at the word 'Girlfriend'. Not noticing Kusuke continues, "And I'm sure you have noticed you cannot find her... Well. That is on purpose, you see, when Makoto and I met, we talked about you... we had similar goals... to see you fail. you see, Kusuo, I have finally won... FINALLY WON!" Now it is Kusuke's turn to start laughing.

Makoto cleared his throat and began, "You see, Four eyes, I have grown tired of waiting for Kokomi to fall for me, so I have arranged a Marriage. although, because of your brother here and his collar, you'll never find us."

It was then that Saiki noticed both were wearing some sort of collar, he tried Clairvoyance, but it didn't work for either of them, he assumed Kokomi has the same sort of collar.

But this wasn't enough to dissuade the Famous Psi user... so after both of them were done maniacally laughing, Kusuo set out to find the best detective he knew. He went to find Touma.

He immediately regretted it... "What? Teruhashi's missing? What did your brother say? What about the other guy? I wonder if they have been planning this for a long time... What if they both had this same idea, but then found each other? What If th-" Touma spouted, but was then interrupted.

"Stop. I need you to find where they are... here is all the info I know." Saiki then telepathically gives the info to Touma. "Ok" Touma says. "Well if you cant find them Clairvoyantly, im assuming your brother has made something, which is the collar, it blocks the 'signal'... so if I... mmhmm... yes... Ok, got it."

*That was fast*

"They are in a shipping container held up by a crane in the city, near your favorite coffee shop."

*not even going to ask how* Saiki decides... "Thankyou."

When Saiki arrives, he looks up and sees the container. he teleports inside. He startles Both Makoto and Kusuke, who were looking at a monitor, a monitor monitoring none other than Kokomi... and she was in a luxury jail cell...

 Thanks for the location... Oh, and Kusuke... I win." Saiki says as he pulls out his limiter to conversate with Touma one more time... and immediately gets a location back... Below Teruhashi's house.

Kokomi is still asleep, but as Saiki picks her up, she slowly starts to return. [Is this a dream?] She thought.

"Seriously, you think every odd thing is a dream." Saiki says blatently, "I like that. Oddly."

As they both return to Saiki's house, Saiki is surprised to find Kusuke waiting, "Kusuo! And I see you found Kokomi... I still don't think you two go together... anyway congratualtions, you won, again!"

Saiki telepathically told Kokomi to wait and he grabbed Kusuke and teleported him to the middle of the ocean (On an island, they are brothers, after all.)

As soon as Saiki Returned Kokomi nearly tackled him and, without hesitation, kissed him harder than ever before... to the point where Saiki eventually had to pull away, because it went on for ages. Kokomi was still in the mood though, so she pushed him to the couch and started kissing him there again. Little did either of them know, Makoto was watching from the window (Saiki was... preoccupied, at the time.) his Jealousy of Saiki grew and grew and grew.

Saiki was actually enjoying himself, if you were to tell last months' Saiki that he would be aggressively kissing Teruhashi on his own couch, he would either have said you were lying, or you would end up on the moon. depends on his mood.

Makoto eventually decided that he needed to end Saiki and Kokomi's relationship, and soon. he decided to pull strings on the 'inside'. Eventually he got hold of Metori, the Rich guy. Uncle Penny bags. Whatever other cliché rich person names you can think of. Makoto decided to ask, because he had heard those two aren't the best of friends, If Metori would like to help him in his revenge plot. But to his surprise, "No." Metori stated over the phone, "Even as it pains me to admit to be, I am friends with Saiki, somehow he taught me that not every plebe is bad."

Makoto is starting to get mad... Saiko Metori, the heir to a very rich company, friends with Saiki? Makoto decided to look in the window again, but instead of kissing, the couple is now glaring angrily out the window, directly at Makoto.

Teruhashi stands up, and starts to walk over to the window. she opens it up, and calmly says, "I want you to stay out of my life." Then slams the window shut, and closes the blinds... then after calming down, nearly tackles Kusuo... Again.

Once again, Thankyou for the idea, but you readers may be asking... why both brothers AT THE SAME TIME? Lazy writing? I dunno, I guess I thought of a situation, and it came out through my words... anywho, see you folks next time... I relly don't have a publishing schedule, so if anything, keep on your toes. Im definitely not done with this series.

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