The Vacation

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Skip ahead a few months, as it is now Summer time.

Teruhashi was smiling, not only because She and Kusuo were honest to goodness dating now, but she gets to go on a cruise with him! This is a very large cruise ship with lots of things to do... and after a day or so they will land on a privately owned island, and stay there for a day.

Of course Saiki wanted to stay, going would be not only dangerous, but it could reveal his identity... But, Kokomi somehow managed to convince him, Maybe she has a hold on him now? Maybe now- *No* Saiki RUDELY interrupted the narrator, *Making her happy is important to me, it isn't that I am now suddenly in a trance, doing her every command.*

Mmhmm, sure Saiki, we'll go with that.

As they were preparing, getting clothes ready, and other such things... There was a ring on the doorbell.

Saiki decided to listen in as his mother opened the door... "My Pals' Mom! I heard that my Pal was going on a cruise, and that we bought tickets to come too!"


All of a sudden Saiki noticed that the whole gang was there... Nendo, Hairo, Kaido, Kuboyasu, and even Chiyo and Mera (Somehow) were there...

"Kokomi." Saiki started, "They knew somehow."

"Oh, yes I told them!"

Saiki was confused. But he read Kokomi's mind to see why, and she thought it would be awkward with just the two of them. Saiki wasn't sure why, because they have been dating for over half of a year now... He was comfortable with her, But... Oh... *Good grief, I hate the author right now... Always with the lazy writing...*

So what? I'm just lazy in general, case in point, I'm going to skip the part where they actually get on the cruise... just kidding, i would never do that to my readers... right to where we left off. (But yes i am actually lazy.)

"Hey Pal!" Nendo almost screamed into the house. "We are coming too! And we brought Uno!"

"Shut up, Nendo..." Kaido muttered, knowing he can't play because he will most likely get seasick.

*Good grief, what's the worst that can happen you may ask?* Saiki directly asked the readers, *We could get in the middle of another boat incident. Or maybe someone will take out my limiter and havoc will follow... Everything everywhere is a hazard for me.*

But, as time went on, Saiki came to agree because Teruhashi asked him to... *Still keeping her happy*... Ok, anyways everybody has all of their things packed and ready to go...

"Ooh Kusuo, maybe we should swim in the onboard pool sometime!" Teruhashi exclaimed as they were boarding the cruise ship.

As the crew came aboard, they were greeted with a scene that was fancier than anything they have ever seen, even more so than Saiko Metori's ship. 

"Wow" Kuboyasu bluntly stated, [This reminds me of that one scene where that guy is on the boat in that one movie]

When they all got to their room (less of a room and more of a private section), they realized the room was in the first class area, and that everyone else decided which room in their section they would take. In the private section there was a private pool, game room, mini theater, a large fridge room(Large enough to hold 4 more regular sized fridges), and 6 rooms, they all got their own (Hairo chose the one with gym equipment, Kubo chose the one with the most action movies, Nendo chose the one that was the second largest, and Kaido got the remaining one, which wasn't special) except Kokomi and Kusuo bunked together, and so did Mera and Chiyo.

Saiki and Teru's room was Huge, it was one of two on the ship that took up about 10% of the boat(The other was for the captain). When they entered the room, there was a large window out of the back of the ship that gave a great view, and the window extended up and on the ceiling so they could look at the sky.

Teruhashi let out a large, purposefully audible sigh and jumped on the bed, face first. After she rolled over she sat upright and looked at Saiki, and thought, [Man, this place is huge, i wonder how we will ever fully explore even our own room... Anyway, thank you Kusuo, thank you for joining me]

Saiki looked back at her and responded (via telepathy) *No problem, anything to keep you happy.*

That's when the rest of the cast decided to barge in their room and check it out for themselves. Mera went for the private kitchen, Chiyo went to the bedroom(to see the difference), Nendo kinda just sat down, Kaido was looking for secret rooms, Aren was looking for secret rooms too, but not for the same reason, and Hairo started doing pushups in the middle of the room.

They were all there, having fun. After some time Aren went to go get a movie, Mera was found in a food coma (in which she quickly recovered after she smelled that Kaido got an apple) Nendo was still sitting there, Hairo switched to Sit ups, Kaido is recovering from what seems like a wild animal attack, muttering something about apples. And Chiyo fell asleep in the spare room.

Later that night in their room...

"Kusuo..." Teruhashi started, [Do you really love me?] she finished with a thought.

"What kind of question is that? Of course I do, why wouldn't I?"

"I-I don't know, it's just... this all seems like a dream to me, maybe... may-"

Saiki interrupted her with a kiss, which they held for around 5 minutes, holding each other.

"Does that help you realize this is reality?" Saiki said with a slight grin. He quickly teleports, startling Teruhashi.

She wasn't sure what to think, he just grinned and teleported away...

Just then he returns, with a pile of coffee jelly and other assorted goods, "Let's talk..."

And so they did, the evening turning into night, night into dusk, where they finally fell asleep...

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