Chapter 5

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A couple days passed by. I tried forgetting about that event, about Jungkook. I almost had when suddenly, Yoongi said that Jungkook has invited us to his place for dinner.
"What??? I can't go!!" I said in a tense tone. "Why not??" Asked Yoongi. "Are you sure everything's fine? You didn't look so good when Jungkook left that day. Did he do something?"
I don't want to ruin someone's friendship just cuz I'm the unwanted guest in this house. If I wasn't here, none of that would've happened. I'm such a jinx. I won't ruin anything for Yoongi.
"Everything is fine. It's just that I had some work to do, but I can do it some other day. We can go!" I said cheerily, with a heavy heart.
"What work?" Asked Yoongi, puzzled.
"Oh, you know, some laundry and stuff", I replied quickly.
"You're always doing so much Y/N. You deserve to have some fun too", Yoongi said, hugging me.
I felt his warmth.
I will not do anything that'll make him sad.

We got dressed. I put on a blue button down shirt and paired it with my white shorts. It's okay, I guess he was a tad bit intoxicated which is why he took that step. I'm sure he felt sorry. I took one last look in the mirror before heading out the door. Yoongi drove us to his place. He parked the car next to Jungkooks house. His house looked really grand, almost like a mansion. Yoongi rang the door bell. I heard a static from the intercom, followed by Jungkooks voice.
"Who is it?" He asked.
"It's us! Yoongi and Y/N!" Yoongi replied.
"Ohh! Let yourselves in!" Replied Jungkook, unlocking his door. We walked in through a very sophisticated looking hallway with a red carpet spread throughout the hall, frames of beautiful artworks hanging on the wall. The hallway led to an exquisite sitting room. There were 2 double and 2 single seated sofas. The sofas were white, with a brown coffee table in the middle. A beautiful black rug with intricate handwork was laid out underneath the coffee table on the white marble floor. Behind the sofas was a dining table with 6 fancily designed wooden chairs.
We made our way to the sofas, when suddenly Jungkook appeared on the stairway, descending the steps excitedly.
"I can't believe you guys are here! I had been waiting since forever!" He said jumping with joy. He hugged Yoongi and then proceeded to hug me, and whispered in my ear "I missed you". I tried to maintain a normal posture, but I couldn't. I felt too awkward. My cheeks flushed. Seriously? Doesn't this guy feel sorry after what happened last time? What an asshole.
We sat down and talked a bit. He got us some drinks. Jungkook asked his butler to set the dining table. We soon moved there. Jungkook sat on one end, with Yoongi and I facing each other next to him.
We had lamb chops, some chicken soup, and for dessert there was parfait.
I don't remember the last time I had such fancy food.
During our meal, there was a time where Jungkook teased my leg with his foot. I quickly shuffled. Yoongi noticed and asked what was wrong. I said I just felt itchy. Jungkook passed me a lustrous smile and continued to talk. I quietly ate my food.
This is not good. I can't wait to go home.
"Hey, I was wondering, since it's been so long, why don't you guys stay the night?" Asked Jungkook.
Oh no. This is bad.
"I don't know. I wouldn't like to bother you", said Yoongi.
"Hey you wouldn't bother me! My parents are out of town for the week, which is why I offered. We could have a slumber party you know. It'd be great! Cmon, what do you say?" Jungkook persisted.
"We don't even have our clothes", Yoongi said.
"It's okay!! I'll lend you guys my clothes!" Jungkook offered.
"What do you say, Y/N?" Asked Yoongi. Both the guys looked at me. Jungkook gave me a flirty smirk. I ignored him. "I don't know. He's your friend. It's your choice Yoongi", I forced a smile.
"I'm asking because I don't want to inconvenience you", Yoongi said with a concerned look.
He cares so much for me. I don't want to ruin his plans cuz of me.
"Alright then, I don't mind", I said, forcing yet again another smile.
Yoongi looked so happy with my confirmation.
"Great! So it's settled!" Jungkook cheered.
"Butler Kim! I'd like for you to take out two nightdresses for the males, and one of my moms finest night gowns for the lady here", he ordered, giving me a playful wink.
Oh boy. What'll happen tonight?

Authors notes:
Hello people! It's about to get steamy, so stay tuned ;) Don't forget to vote for the story if you like it! Thank you for reading xx

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