Chapter 9

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The tension between Yoongi and I grew day by day. It started seeming like he had stopped caring. I tried talking to him about my situation with Jungkook, but somehow he evaded the whole conversation.

"Does this mean you'll start living with Jungkook now?"

I didn't know what to say. He didn't understand that I did not like Jungkook, and I was done trying to convince him. I looked up at him from the magazine I was reading. He was sitting next to me on the sofa.

"No." I managed.
"He would mind you living with me", he said.

I snapped my magazine shut and threw it across the coffee table in front of me. This had to be sorted out right now.

"Yoongi, why don't you understand that I absolutely have no feelings towards Jungkook? I have been trying to tell you all this time, but you're so stubborn about not wanting to believe it. Why?"

"Because you didn't push him away. If you felt uncomfortable, you would've told me".

"I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to jeopardise your friendship with him! Jesus Christ, Yoongi, I'm sorry I came into your life. I am sorry that I started liking you and not Jungkook, like I was supposed to, according to you. And I couldn't push him away because he's stronger than me and I have this Stockholm syndrome where I completely freeze if someone does anything to me at all", I snapped.

The silence was so prevailing between us I could actually hear it. He started fidgeting with his fingers.

"I am going to leave tomorrow. I have found a place to stay at", I eventually said.
He didn't say anything. He just kept focusing on his hands with his brows furrowed as if he was trying to create something from his fingers contorting.

I was so wrapped up in all this, I didn't get to think about why Damon called at all. Frankly, I didn't even care about that bastard. I blocked his number eventually.

The next morning, I woke up really early and started packing my boxes. I had earned enough from the restaurant I was working at as a waitress. I managed to buy an apartment 30mins away from here, cheaper in cost. This was for the best.

Yoongi had already left for work. I didn't know how to face him anymore. He hadn't talked to me after that. Even when I asked or told him something, he replied with "hms" and "okays". He was blocking me out. I understood, of course, and didn't push.

I was completely ignoring Jungkooks texts and calls. It's all because of him, yet he dares to leave me messages and voicemails.

No, it was my fault too, because I couldn't back him off because of my stupid Stockholm syndrome. Look where it got me. God, I hate myself.

The moving truck came, and soon, I moved out. Yoongi was just standing and looking at the two men placing my boxes into the van, with his arms crossed and his face completely blank. Before going, I tried to hug him, but he just shrugged and looked away. I got into the taxi, and as the taxi went a little further, I kept looking back at him. He simply walked back into the building, and did not turn back, not even once. My heart crushed.

After the last box was placed into my new apartment, I closed the door behind me. The place wasn't that bad. It was a studio apartment.

I could forget that that ever happened. I slumped onto the floor in my empty apartment. I felt, desolate and alone. I looked at my phone; Jungkooks messages bombarding my notifications. Yoongi hadn't texted me at all. I took a deep breath, unpacked one of the cartons that had a futon, lay it out, and lay on it facing towards the bare ceiling.

I felt like erasing my memory completely. It wouldn't hurt this much then.
I hugged my knees, shrinking myself, and bawled my eyes out.

Authors notes:
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