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"That idiot.."

Naruto was sent flying back, hitting one of the mirrors and sliding down it. I jumped up and ran over to him, "there is no escape," I heard a voice say. I wasn't paying much attention to Haku, the only thing on my mind right now was Naruto.

"Naruto, are you ok?" I asked once I reached him, falling to my knees. "You cant waste your chakra like that, that's what he wants us to do."

"I...know...that.." he panted before fainting. Crap this wont be good.. I glanced over at the mirror that held Haku's image, he held up some more needles. I gasped and prepared to protect Naruto, but Sasuke stood in front of us with a needle.

"Sasuke.." I whispered.

"Get Naruto and move now!" Sasuke ordered.

"R-Right!" I nodded and slung Naruto's limp arm around my shoulder, dragging him to the other side of the dome.

Haku glared at Sasuke angrily, "this time I was aiming at the critical points and they weren't even aimed at you," he muttered under his breath.

I gasped out angrily and narrowed my eyes, "so you were aiming at me? Trying to get rid of me so soon, Haku," I growled trying to get the slightly conscious Naruto to his feet. Haku sent another round of needles over at us, I moaned and pushed Naruto out of the way. I wont let Haku beat you Naruto, you have my word! I will keep your dream alive, even if it cost my own life. I closed my eyes and prepared for the pain.




Uh, am I dead? I didn't even feel the pain.. Hey! Where is my angel if I'm dead? I better not be getting ripped off! "Dalia, why the hell do you have your eyes closed. Now is not the time to be sleeping," a voice growled. The voice of my on earth angel. Sasuke.

I opened my eyes and instantly was staring at his back. He was in front of me, knocking the needles out of the way with the one he used before.

"Right, we're good." Lie. "Come on Naruto, let's go!" I said pulling him back up to his feet, he staggered back lightly. "Don't give up on me."

"I w-wont.." he assured me as his eyes closed. He reassures me he wont while he is closing his eyes and giving up..


Haku started to laugh, "I guess the boy has reached his limits.." he mumbled. Haku turned his attention back to Sasuke and told him something, but I was to busy shaking Naruto to hear. Soon needles were sent at Sasuke, who dodged but was lead farther away from Naruto and I. "All your reflexes will soon be dulled," he explained casually raising another hand of needles.

Though instead of aiming at Sasuke the needles came toward Naruto and I. Trying to pick Naruto back up and jump away in time I felt a hand instead wrap around my waist and pull me back. I landed on my back with Naruto somewhat on top of me. Sasuke hovered over the both of us, glaring at Haku with red eyes.

I gasped surprised, "Sasuke, your eyes...they're red. That's the.."

"Sharingan," Sasuke finished, a smirk plastered onto his face. Aw, Sasuke finally obtained the power of the Uchiha clan. Yay!

Sasuke started to analyze the mirrors, trying to figure out Haku's moves. I sat there staring up at Sasuke with a proud smile. As if I were a bragging mother of a straight A student.

Haku sent more attacks at Sasuke, trying to get rid of him more urgently now. But Sasuke kept dodging everyone, until soon he was far away from Naruto and I. I looked down at Naruto who was still unconscious, I jumped to my feet and stood in front of him protectively.

Naruto, I promise to protect you. Even if I lose my life! I thought as another pack of needles were sent straight toward us. I closed my eyes. I promise!

You Have the Sharingan so Why Can't You See That I Love YouWhere stories live. Discover now