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"if i had nothing but your love, i would be set for life." y.r

The sun was beaming through the windows into the bedroom. I yawned and looked at my surroundings, this definately was not my room. Seconds later i felt a killer headache take over, i hate hangovers, i had now remembered why i havent drank in years. because of the aftermath.

I look to my side, and i'm startled to say the least, to see a body.

I almost had a mini heart attack til i realized this person was fully clothed, a sigh of relief washed over me, i later realized it was Austin when i looked under the covers and revealed his face, that was stil sound asleep.

a few snores escaped his lips here and there, i turned to my side and faced him.

I watched intently, taking in everyone of his features, the way his chest rose slowly, sleepy Austin was definately a beautiful sight.

I slowly began to process last nights events, to Alan opening his big mouth revealing his bestfriends secrets, to Austin confessing his feelings to me and I to him, and the kiss we shared.

definately an eventful night.

I felt a big weight lifted off of me knowing i dont have to hide how i feel about him.

The best part was he felt the same entirely maybe even more, we had both been so oblivious for many years and fate made us cross paths again.

"good morning." Austin smiled over at me, his voice sounding so heavenly and raspy, here i thought he couldnt get more attractive, but i was wrong, he leaned closer to me and kissed my lips softly.

I smiled and replied with,"morning."

he yawned then looked at the clock, it reading, 10:05.

"how long have you been up?"

"not long, i'd say maybe about five minutes." i explain.

I stand up from the bed and immediately feel like shit.

I shouldnt have drank so much, i groan and i hear Austin muffle a laugh," hangover?"

I nod and he continues," i told you not to drink so much, you're hangover's probably worse than mine."

"next time i'll listen." I say rolling my eyes.

I continue to walk to the door but Austins voice stops me," where are you going?"

"downstairs, everyones probably hungover so i'll go give them their medication."

"later, come cuddle for a while longer." he pleads while pouting his lips.

"i'll be back in a few, i promise."

"atleast a goodbye kiss?" he smirks extending his arms out.

"i'll be back Austin." I say while laughing.

"pleaseeee." he whines.

I eventually gave in and walked towards his side of the bed and leaned down to kiss him on the forehead teasingly.

"not there." he groans.

"where?" I innocently ask.

He grabs my face in his large hands and smashes his lips on mine, they move against his slowly, but separate fast, "there." he says smiling at me pecking my lipe once more.

I smile over at him and head to the door and down the stairs. I walk over to the cupboards and try to find where Alan keeps his medication.

After many openings and attempts i succeed in finding aspirin, I grab a jug of water and plastic cups and head to the boys rooms one by one, i was suprised i actually remembered where the boys stayed at when they stayed here.

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