The big apple

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This was it. I had just finished school and was about to leave my home town to move to the famous big apple. There wasn't any reason to stay here anymore and there certainly wasn't any job opportunities so, why not?

I had just finished packing up my small car with my boxes and took one last look at my childhood home. Standing outside the door was my mum in tears. I walked over to her and engulfed her in a hug trying not to cry as well.

"Well mum, this is it," I say as I step back.

"My little girl has grown up so fast. It feels like only yesterday when I had to change your diapers and now look at you, about to leave to start a new life,"

I couldn't help but smile at her. The woman in front of me was all I really had family wise. Dad passed away soon after I was born so mum had to raise me by herself.
I gave her a huge hug and spoke again, trying to fight the lump in my throat.
"I'll miss you so much, I'll make sure to call you everyday and tell you all about it," I let go of her and moved to the car giving a little wave before getting in.

"Please be safe (y/n)," she said as she waved me off. "Don't forget how much I love you,"
I blew her a kiss and started the engine before taking off. Now that she was out of sight I finally let the tear slide down my face. A new beginning was just ahead of me. I could almost taste it.

It took around 5 hours to get there and let me say by the time I did I was exhausted. I drove into the main city and couldn't help but let me mouth drop open. Bright lights filled he city and its sky. The streets were crammed packed with cars and people. No wonder this is recognised as the city that never sleeps. After around ten more minutes of driving I finally found where I am meant to be staying. I parked the car and hopped out. The cold breeze of the night air brushed past me making me give a quick shiver. I got out my suit case and left the rest of the boxes for tomorrow then headed into the lobby of the apartment building. Inside behind the desk was a grumpy man who looked to be around 60. He was engrossed in the tv that hung above him and didn't notice me as I walked in. I decided to wait a few moment to see if he did but he didn't make any movement.
I roughly coughed at him until his gaze shifted over to me.

"Uh, Hi. I'm just moving here and-" he rudely cut me off by chucking keys in my face.

"No smoking, animals or noisy behaviour. I hope you enjoy living here," he said with no emotion in his voice before turning back to the TV. I glanced down at the keys and held them tightly in my hand. How did he know that I am the right person? I could've been anyone. Without bothering to question him and to avoid any other uncomfortable social interactions, I rolled my suitcase over to the lift and pressed the button to take me up. The rusty elevator shook around a bit before finally letting me out. I walked down the hall and stood outside me new apartment. With a sharp breath I placed the keys in and turned the door knob, opening the door. I walked inside shutting it behind me and took in my surroundings. To my left was a small kitchen and living room and to my right was the bed room and bathroom. It wasn't that bad apart from the mouldy smell coming from all around. I scrunched my nose and moved to the windows to open them. Immediately the bad smell was replaced by the cold night air. Much better. I moved to my new room and looked around. It was actually quite spacious. Much better than what I had originally thought.

After getting into my pjs I decided to call mum just to tell her I'm ok and arrived safely. It wasn't long before she picked up.

"Hello sweetie!!" (Eheh)

"Hey mum,"

"How is everything? Did anyone follow you? You know how dangerous it can be sometime!"

"I'm fine," I giggled. She was always one to overreact. "Nobody followed me and the only weird thing is the guy in the lobby. He needs to get out more,"

I could always make mum laugh. We shared that special bond.

"(Y/n)," her voice got a little more serious.
"I know this is a new place and you have trouble meeting people so I think you should get a dating app. You don't necessarily have to date anyone but you should meet them,"

I almost chocked.

"I'm serious. Just give it a try ok? Meet people and get out there! No point starting a new life if you're not going to go out there and meet people,"

She had a point. What was the point of starting a new chapter in my life without people to share it with.

"Okay mum,"


"Yeah, I'll give it a go. No promises though. If I don't meet anyone-"

"That's fine, that's fine. Makes me feel much better that you are at least going to give it a go,"

I chuckled and let out a soft yawn.

"I'm going to head to bed now, talk later mum,"

"Alright sweetie, love you,"

"Love you too, goodnight,"
And with that I hung up. I placed my phone next to my bed and laid down. Within a second of my head hitting the pillow, I was out cold.

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