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||Kinks That Will Be Featured||
°Weight Gain°
°Weight Play°

Jojo awoke, stretching his arms and legs letting out a groan.
He sat in his bed for a couple of minutes before getting up to start the day. He entered his bathroom and began to brush his teeth, already having a certain someone on his mind~.
His roommate, friend and crush, James. Jojo just couldn't keep him off his mind. He was constantly thinking of his sweet smile, adorable chubby sides ❤, nice shoulders and sharp canines.~
After getting himself ready, he headed into the living room where James was currently drawing on his tablet.
"Mornin, James" Jojo greeted him, resting his hand on James's shoulder.

"Oh, hey Jojo" he looked up at him, smiling.

Whacha doin?" Jojo asked and wrapped his arm around him. James' cheeks turned slightly rosy and responded with "Just a comic..~"
After replying, Jojo heard the other's belly rumble.
"Want me to make you some food?"
"S-sure.." He stuttered, embarassed that he had heard that.
"Alright!" He headed into the kitchen, getting the ingredients out. Which included bacon, waffles, and fries.

While Jojo was busy in the kitchen, James continued with his comic. He hadn't eaten since yesterday breakfast, due to spending so much time on his comics. His stomach rumbled loudly, making him blush deeper.
Jojo came back in carrying a plate of syrup drenched bacon and waffles.
"Here you are~" he sat the plate down on James' desk, picking up a piece of bacon and brings it close to James' lips. "Say 'ahhh'~" He opened his mouth, blushing. James ate the bacon, Jojo feeding him~❤.

((-This is when the fetish type of stuff happens. Read if you're into it ❤❤❤❤❤❤-))
"Sit on my lap, James~" He said in a soft tone.
They then switched positions, Jojo resting his chin on his James' shoulder and placed his hand on his chubby belly.
James blushed deeply, hiding his face.
"Awwh~ James~ Are you embarrassed...?~" he smirked, rubbing his belly softly whilst slipping his index finger in his belly button.
"A-ahhh...~ mmnh~" he moaned, shutting his eyes.
"Ohh that was hot, babe~ Moan for me~" he whispered in the other's ear.
James did as he was told, moaning louder, "Jojo!!~ Ahh!!!~ Mmnhgh~!!" he felt his boxers getting tighter and tighter each time Jojo had thrusted his finger into his belly button.
His belly became pink due to his excessive blushing.
"F-fuck me, Jojo..~ Just fuck me..~" he pleaded.
Jojo's face was as red as a rose.
"Alright~" he smirked again, getting up and carrying him onto the couch. Jojo undressed himself until only in his boxers, and began undressing James aswell, but "w-wait....!" he sputtered.
"i-i feel kinda self-concious... I'm just going to leave my clothes on.."
"Thats okay~" he got on top of him, kissing and scraping his canine onto his neck.
"Ohhh fuck...~" He let out, clamping onto the couch.
Jojo began grinding onto him, letting out gasps and moans while doing so. He gave James' belly a sloppy kiss before pulling down each other's pants. James began to feel nervous, but ready. He could feel a tingley sensation throughout his body.
That sensation felt strong as Jojo has his tip against his hole.
"Ready, babe?~" he asked into his ear.
"Y~yes~" he let out softly.
Jojo then quickly thrusted into James' ass, holding onto his sides.
"A-Ahhhh....!~ ❤ Oh GOd!!~ mmnngh!~ Jojo!!~ Ahhh!~"

After much moaning and thrusting, Jojo came into him, filling his now bloated belly with cum. 💦💦
"Huff...huff...oh god that felt so good..~" James panted, laying on Jojo. He nuzzles into James as he shut his eyes, rubbing his bloated stomach.
"You're so big, James..~" he kissed him on the neck. The other giggled, blushing.
"And so cute..~" he stuck his finger in his belly button again, fingering it. James fell asleep in contentment❤

I hope you liked it! Please pm me if you're interested in roleplay

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2018 ⏰

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