Paradox 4: Reunion with my sister/ culprit in the ship

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Koharu pov

I feel unconscious and feel myself in a water. A memory flashed inside my head and remembered my name. Koharu. The traveller gave me- no his not the one who gave me.......its someone. Then another memory. There was a lake and i see myself and a girl that was older to me. She has same as me, long light pink hair and pink eyes.

"Promise me koharu"- the girl said as she

"What is it nee-san"-i said. Wait.......nee-san?. I have a sister!?

"If we do separate, and your memory is gone. I will make sure that i will do everything to you to remember me. Do you understand?"- she says. I dont understand

"Why did you say that nee-san?"- i said.

"I just see a glimpse of future that you will separate from me. Dont worry i'll will find you no matter what"-the girl say as she handle me a neckclace that was somethings written on it. Hanami. She has a bracelet and it was written koharu

"Thats a promise. Nee-chan"-i said

"That's my haru-chan"-the girl says eye-close smile

Someone's pulled me up and look its kakeru-kun. We go up to the surface and breath air.

"Are you okay?"-kakeru-kun asked

"Yes thank you very much"-i say as i smiled

"Are you okay kakeru"- toya-kun said as he run down to the all the way down here. Kakeru-kun just thumbs up to him. I realized that i was holding all along the peach

"Um. Do you think we can still eat this?"- i was holding the peach saying that. He gave me a questioning look

"I so delicious. I hate to see to go to
waste"-i said but he's beginning to laugh. Why he's laughing

" what? Why are you laughing?"

"Because you fell from so high, you didnt let go"-he said as i blushed


"Youre great!. Since we are already wet. Why dont we swim to the shore"-he says closed smile.

"I-i dont know how to swim"-i said embarrassed. He helped me swim to the shore

"If there's something you dont know,then just ask. If you dont understand, i will stay with you until you do "- kakeru-kun say to me looking to my eyes directly. I felt a warm sensation to my heart.


"He's right. There are ten more people besides you. If you ask someone and they dont know. Then you can ask someone else"-toya-kun says as he were going down stairs

I stared in awe as he say that. But i remembered my name. Kakeru-kun see my expression

"What is it?"-kakeru-kun

"My name...."

"Youre name?"- kakeru-kun questionly said

"I remembered it in the water"-i said loudly

"R-realy"-he said

" name is koharu!"-i said when i remembered


"Yes.... The traveller-no its not the traveller........there was a woman who gave it to me"-i said as i recalled my past memories.

"A woman??. So it not your true name?"-kakeru-kun

"She says that. So i think thats my name"-i said to him. I felt we were lift up to the water. I panicked but suprised that i can step to the gentle water

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