Chapter 1 *Rewritten*

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A/N - Welcome to the first chapter of my rewrite of "Thing About Superheroes". I'm going to try and keep this as coherent as possible, so I apologize if things start to get rather confusing. Be sure to follow me or add this story to your library to get notifications of updates. Or follow me at

Madison walked up the many flight of stairs to the Parker residence. She rang the doorbell and May quickly answered.

"Madison! Come in. Peter's just finishing getting ready", May said ushering her into the apartment, "Can I get you anything?"

"Um, no thank you May".

"So what are your plans for today?"

Madison shrugged. Peter hadn't told her what they were doing today, so she genuinely had no idea.

Peter came out of his bedroom and smiled. "Hey Maddie". Peter was the only one to call her Maddie and Madison kinda liked it.

"Well whatever you guys do, please be safe", May said.

Peter blushed. "May!"

"What? I was a teenager too once".

"Okay, I think that's our cue to go", Peter said as Madison stood up from the couch.

The two left the apartment and Peter sighed in relief.

"I'm so sorry about her", Peter told Madison.

"Are you ever going to tell her about us?"

Peter pecked her lips and said, "Of course I will. It's just...not the right time".

It had been about a month since she met Peter and they had quickly developed feelings for each other.

"Have you told your dad and Natasha?" Peter asked her.

"Well no, but..."

"I'll tell her. I promise".

"You'd better. Or else you're getting an arrow to the kneecap".

"Ouch. That's a tad bit harsh".

"Yeah? Well that's my price".

"Could you be bribed with a sandwich?"

"A sandwich?"

"Yeah, from the best sandwich maker this side of the Hudson".

"That's a bold claim, Mr. Parker".

Madison and Peter walked down a couple of blocks before they came to a corner bodega.

"Peter!" the man behind the counter said.

"Hey, Mr. Delmar. This is Madison. My girlfriend".

Madison blushed at the title.

"She's cute", Mr. Delmar said.

"Give us two of my regular", Peter told him.

"Hey, wait a minute. I know where I recognize you from", the cook said, "Aren't you Hawkeye's daughter? You dated Captain America".

Madison looked down in embarrassment. "Um...yeah". Even since the Battle of New York, Madison couldn't go anywhere without being recognized.

It was honestly worse than being an actual celebrity. No one stopped to think how they were coping with the things they had been through.

Once Madison and Peter got their sandwiches, they went to the park.

"I'm sorry", Peter said.

"It's fine. I'm used to it by now", Madison told him.

"The way you talk about seemed...intense".

"Well I loved him. At least I think I did. Steve was the first boyfriend I ever had".

"So, shot anyone lately?" Peter asked, changing the subject.

Madison forced a laugh and said, "No. Still waiting for Fury to call me back in. I'm not cut out for civilian life".

"How are your father and Natasha?"

"Both in DC".

"Where are you living now? Did your father leave you the apartment?"

"When Daddy's not in town, I either live by myself or in Stark Tower".

"Stark? Like Tony Stark?"

"Careful Peter, your fanboy is showing. Of course I know Tony. I'm an Avenger, remember?"

"Do you ever think about going to DC?"

"Sometimes, but not for Steve. Being a SHIELD agent is what makes me truly happy. The danger, the thrill, knowing that you've saved people. Isn't that why you do it?"

"Not all the time. Ever since the Stark Expo I've wanted to be like Tony Stark. Then this freak accident happened. I figured I could help people. Work my way up".

"Who knows? Maybe one day you'll join the Avengers".

"God, that would be a dream come true".

It was much later when Madison returned to Stark Tower.

"You're late coming in", Tony said.

"Well you gave me the day off. I wasn't about to waste it lounging around the Tower".

"Where have you been all day?"

"Out with a friend".

"Oh, a friend? This friend wouldn't happen to be a boy, would he?"

"And if he is? You're not my father, Tony".

"I'm just trying to look out for you, kid".

Madison's anger softened. "Goodnight Tony".

"Goodnight Madison". When he was sure she was in her bedroom, Tony said, "JARVIS, bring up any footage from today with Madison in it".

JARVIS brought up the footage and Tony saw Madison talking and laughing with a boy.

"JARVIS, tell me about him", Tony said.

"Name: Peter Parker. Age: 18. Alias: Spider-Man".

"Spider-Man.JARVIS, pull up all footage containing this so called Spider-Man".

In her bedroom, Madison went into bathroom and downed some sleeping pills. Maybe she would get through the night without a nightmare or flashback.

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