Day 4

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"(Y/n), are you sure that you're gonna be okay?", your father asked as you nodded with a reassuring smile.
"I'm fine, papa.. don't worry.. see ya after school!"
With that, you opened the door to see him.

"Good morning, (Y/n).. may I walk with you today?", he asked sheepishly, making you giggled.
"Oh hey Roy, and sure.. it's been a while since though.. let's go now before the bell rings!", you grinned while taking his hand and ran to school.


Jackson was staring at the window before he heard a group of girls mentioned your name in a conversation.

"(Y/n) is too close to the new kid... are they dating?"

"But I thought she was dating Roy!"

"I know right.., they're so attached to eachother and I wonder why.."

"I heard (Y/n) admitted that Jackson was her childhood friend.. but the new kid didn't say anything about it.. maybe she was making it up..?"

"Ahahah (Y/n), Jackson and Roy could probably have a threesome, don't ya think?"

"Ahahahahahah that's so stupid!"

Then, they laughed. Jackson rolled his eyes, "Wow.. their imaginations are higher than children could have.."

Then, the door was slided opened.

Jackson was about to zone out again before a hand slammed on his desk.
"Good morning, idiot!"

"(Y/n)! Morning! Hey!", he was quite suprised to see you.
"Miss me?", you joked as he smirked, "What if I do?"

The two of you continued to talk even if Roy was quite irritated. Suddenly, an announcement was made by the class monitor.

"Attention to all students! There will be a party tonight for (Y/n)! Make sure you guys come to school, okay? Our homeroom teacher will come too!"

You looked at them with a smile, "Aww.., you guys really don't have to.."
"What do you mean? You're our friend! We must have a party together before you're gone!", one of them said.
You smiled, "Thank you, guys..."

"Party for what?", Jackson asked in confused.
Roy rolled his eyes, "You don't know? Oh well maybe you're not the best of the best friend to her yet~"
"I'm not talking to you!"

"Shush! Can you guys please cut it out?", you scolded while putting your arms on your waist.
"I'm moving to another place permanently... we may not be able to see eachother again.. but I hope we could..", you continued.
Jackson looked at you and smirked, "Of course we will! I'll make sure to come after you next time!"
You smiled to him and nodded, "We'll see."


That night, you were wearing a bright red kimono with a green sash tied tightly around your waist. You put your hair into your favourite hairstyle with a yellow flower decorated headband on your head. Finally, you wore your favourite blue bracelet with a kanji of love on it.

When you arrived to the field where people can do anything (not all, of course), you were greeted with icy cold water on your head.
Then, the sound of your classmates cheering and laughing was heard.
It didn't ruin your pretty face but enough to make you sick in the next day.

Suddenly, Jackson came and hugged you. "You cold now? We can't let you go home anytime soon so..."
"Just give her your jacket.., you don't have to hug her!", Roy said, looking very pissed off.
"No way! Then, you'll hug her for yourself!", Jackson shouted.
"H-huh... w-what the h-hell is g-going on..?", you asked, clearly shivering.

"Jackson planned it out!"

"Yeah! Jackson told us to do it!"

All of the other students yelled something similar.
"Idiot.. why would you do this to me? A good way to create a memory before I'm gone, huh?"
"To hug you."

Jackson smirked at you and leaned to your ears, "I have something to tell you."
Before you could respond, your hand were pulled and the two of you ran to a tree. It wasn't too far, but enough to prevent the others from ruining the moment.

"Why are you so red?", you asked the blushing kid as he chuckled, "Says the one who's blushing!"
You laughed, "Okay! Okay! It's just because you're making me nervous! What do you wanna talk about?"

"Well.., it may be too quick but I'm scared if I lost the chances after you move.. so it's now or never..."
There was a slight pause.
"What is it..? You're scar-"
"Be my girlfriend?"

Your jaw dropped. You were speechless. Yes, you started to love him but isn't this too fast? Well, psychology fact does said you'll fall in love in for minutes, but not being a lover in 4 days.

"Hey.., are you alright? Ah... just forget it."


He looked at you, suprised. "You'll forget it?"
"Idiot... I'll be your girlfriend..!"

He looked at you in disbelief but pulled you in a tight embrace immediately.


After everyone had a good party, they left. You and Jackson were having a fun chat while picking up the rubbish.
"You really shouldn't do that.."

"I know, I regretted that I put a lil cream on your face.."

"Then, why do it?"

"Because I didn't expect you to dump my face on the entire cake!"

You both laughed before suddenly you heard your car honked.
"Oh! Looks like my dad is here! I'll go now.., see you tomorrow!"
He smiled, "Of course! See you tomorrow!"

After he lost the sight of you, he heard someone cleared his throat. "Seems like you two had fun, huh?"
Jackson rolled his eyes before continued to pick up the empty can. "What do you want now, Roy?"

"I want you to stay away from her!"

He smirked and looked at him, "Too bad. We just got together officially. You can warn me but can you warn him?", he chuckled before continued to whisper, "Guess you can't stop her from what she obsessed."

"And I'm not gonna let you play with what I possessed! Losing her is bad and I hate it.. but losing her to a murderer like you? Huh, I won't let that happen.", Roy said.

Jackson glared at him, "I noticed that you had something... that you're not satisfied with me from the beginning. What is it?"
Roy looked at him, "You. I'm not satisfied with you. How can you come after disappeared for years and got her attention? How can you not remember what you did before you were gone?!"

"Who in the world would I kill except you right now? But luckily, I'm sane.", Jackson smirked.
"Yeah. After you lost your memories."
Jackson glares with an annoyed expression. "What the hell did I do wrong before I lost memories, really? Can you please stop being a girl and tell me directly?"

"I guess you should say that to your mom."

"Now, you're having the nerves to say that?", Jackson started to step forward.
"If you wanna fight.., fight me after you knew whether you're right or wrong. Go ask your mom about my cousin. Wang Jun Kai."

With that, he walked away without turning back.
Jackson rolled his eyes, "What a chicken.."

"But.. why does that name sounded familiar...? Who is Wang Jun Kai? Does (y/n) knew about him?"

Author's note:
Long update, I know... sorry! In return, I'll make sure you get a happy ending.... well if I'm that kind. I'm not the type to give a good ending lol. Not that my ending sucks, it's just enough to make you break your phone into two😂😂 welp, see ya in the future, my dear potatoes!

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