The Promised Ending

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A/n: This ending wasn't suppose to be existed but since I promised you a good ending so I have no choice but to make it less depressing.

Jackson was gazing down to the tombstone.

"Thank you...", he whispered as a sad smile appeared on his lips. "For giving me a chance.."

"Hey, idiot. Why are you still here? Hurry up! They're waiting for us at home!", Roy said with a pout while childishly tugging on Jackson's sleeve. Jackson let out a chuckle, "Be patient, it's not like the food have legs to run from you.."

"Yes, but there's a lot of people that have mouths to eat all of them!"

"You're still stubborn as ever.. fine, let's go.."

With one last glance, Jackson smiled at the grave before he left with his best friend, Roy.

"We're home!", Roy's voice echoed inside the house, making Jackson stared at him with a slight irritation, "This is my house, idiot."

"We're friends, right? Your house is my house, your food is my food, and your mom is my-"

"What?", Jackson snapped him as he shut his mouth and chuckled nervously, "N-nevermind.."

"As long as your girlfriend is not his.."

Both of them turned towards the person who just spoke up and grinned, "Yo, how are you doing?"

Roy ran up to him and slapped the person's back, "Yo! So how was being dead feels like? You never told me!"

"It's not death.. I was in coma.. it was dark since you can't open your eyes nor move, but you can hear voices around you.", he spoke with a smirk.
Jackson rolled his eyes with a smirk, "Yeah, yeah.. whatever.. but you did scared us, Karry.. we thought you were going to die.. thankfully, not."

"I know.. it was a miracle, huh?"

"I know right! Jackson got his memories back was a miracle too!", Roy stated as both of them smiled.
"You know what else was a miracle?", Jackson asked.

"You're gonna say it was me, aren't you?"

The three of them looked at you and laughed, "Aww, she heard us!"

You rolled your eyes, "You don't need a microphone to let the whole neighbourhood to hear your conversation.. whatever.. food is done. Go to eat before Nannan does."

Jackson smiled as his two best friends nodded and raced to the dining room, leaving the couple alone.
Jackson stepped closer to you as he leaned closer to you. You were expecting a kiss so you closed your eyes, but instead, he rested his forehead on yours and stared down to your eyes, "You're expecting too much.."

Your face turned into a deep red, "IDIOT! I HATE YOU!"
"I know, I love you too~"

Jackson remembered the day where he found out that (Y/n) was dead. Almost. Until his father volunteered to give her his heart.
From that moment he knew what had happened, he couldn't stop thanking your father for giving him a chance to love his daughter again.

This time, he took his chance. That's what he promised to himself.

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