3. imperfect morning (NamJin)

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Namjoon woke up to a very still and quiet bedroom, he felt the obvious cold of his partner missing from beside him. He yawned slowly and rose to his feet, ruffling his hair. He felt alone in the huge bedroom which was usually filled with Jin's quiet snores on holidays.

He felt blessed that PD-nim finally gave them a much deserved break from their hectic and busy idol schedules. Now he could enjoy his time with his boyfriend - Jin, the same boyfriend who was missing from his usual spot. Namjoon decided to freshen up before searching for him.

The first thing that hit him was the smell of food and the noise of a person quietly clattering around the kitchen, padded feet silently made their way towards the kitchen where a tall, broad shouldered man, wearing soft pjs stood.

Namjoon silently walked towards the man and wrapped his arms around him.

Jin jumped as he felt two firm hands wrap around his waist, though he settled down after he recognized the familiar scent and warmth. He leaned into Namjoon and pressed a soft kiss on his cheek.

Namjoon just hummed as he buried his head in the crook of Jin's shoulder. Namjoon smiled silently at Jin as he detangled himself from him and walked down to the table and started to busy himself on his phone.

For Namjoon, this was enough. Jin grinning at him from the stove while preparing breakfast. The perfect morning, sadly, perfect and peace doesn't last for long. It was shattered with the very loud entry of the two youngest - Taehyung and Jungkook. Taehyung's loud laughter was heard all the way from the front of the house complimented with Jungkook's low mumbling voice.

Jin shared a small smile with Namjoon and wiped his hands on his apron, softly smiling at the noisy boys as they entered the kitchen.

Namjoon loved Jin's smile.

Jungkook's cheeks were dusted deep red and Taehyung's smile was so wide it almost gave a Cheshire cat effect. Jin leaned on the kitchen island and nudged Namjoon with his shoulder, Namjoon sighed and switched off his phone, placing it on the table top. Clearing his throat to catch the attention of the couple.

Jin was always in awe of Namjoon. In awe of how he was in control of everything around him, the boys, the music, the schedule and even his emotions. He was in awe of how Namjoon looked cool doing just about everything. He knew they were polar opposites that were still quite similar. Jin was all loud noise and fast movements while Namjoon was the force that calmed him down. He was in debt to Namjoon for so much.

"What were you guys up to?" Namjoon asked, His hand threaded through Jin's long fingers absentmindedly.

He loved Jin's fingers.

"Hyung! Kookie asked me to marry him!" Taehyung laughed out, side hugging the makane who protested loudly,

"Taehyungie! I told, it was just because of the mood!"

"Then you don't want to marry me?"

"Well yes- but-no" Jungkook huffed as he walked away with a laughing Taehyung close behind him.

Namjoon subconsciously twirled the shining silver ring on Jin's finger.

Jin let out a loud laugh as he leaned into Namjoons side.

"Those boys, honestly" Jin said, pushing away from Namjoon to look at him.

Namjoon just regarded his partner with calculating eyes and a small smile.

He loved Jin's laugh.

Jin pecked Namjoons cheek and tried to separate their hands as he wanted to go back to cooking the breakfast he was preparing for Namjoon, but Namjoon just whined and pulled Jin into his lap.

Jin let out a surprised squeak and twisted his head towards Namjoon,

"Just stay here for a bit" Namjoon asked. Jin blushed as a small smile spread across his face, burying his face into Namjoons chest, he breathed his smoky scent.

"Don't think for even a minute that I'm going to make another pancake for you" Jin muttered against Namjoon's steady heartbeat, a groan rumbled through Namjoon,

"And here I thought I could bribe you" He said, a laugh slipping past his lips.

Jin pecked his cheek and got up from his lap.

"You can't bribe me" Jin said, smiling gleefully. Namjoon let go off Jin, who returned back to the stove, humming to himself softly. Namjoon sighed lowly,

He loved Jin's voice.

"Jin, do you want to marry me?" Namjoon asked, unable to stop the low proclamation spilling from his lips.

Jin smiled at him as he placed his hand on top of Namjoon's hand,

"Wasn't that the reason you bought me this?" Jin asked as he lined their hands together and clicked the sliver rings that adorned both of their ring fingers.

"Yeah, but I'm asking again, to make sure. After the law changes, maybe" He said, his voice held a questioning tone, something very unfamiliar on the leader.

Jin smiled as he leaned into Namjoon, their foreheads touching.

"And every time you ask, I'll always say yes"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2018 ⏰

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