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Sasuke sidestepped a kunai, by the barest of margins, easily tracking his attacker's movements with his fully matured sharingan.

In his left hand he wielded a short straight blade with a point and two sharp sides. The white handle gave away its true origin though. The White Fang of Konoha's old weapon, reformed after the most recent war.

Kakashi appeared in front of him, throwing his leg up in a move he'd seen Guy do hundreds of times.

Sasuke threw his body back and slapped his hands into the seals for his first jutsu, pouring far more chakra into it than normal.

Kakashi has his own sharingan though, and brought his foot back down and did a single handsign, then threw both hands to the ground causing a slab of earth to rise up, just before the massive fireball slammed into it and exploded violently.

Kakashi was hurt a bit but he'd dodged the worst of the damage.

Where'd he-? Kakashi jumped backwards, just as Sasuke landed there, spearing the ground with a lightning covered hand. "I think you might be going a bit too far, Sasuke-kun, but fine. If you wanna play with lightning, don't forget who taught you that jutsu in the first place... Chidori!" Lightning erupted around Kakashi's own fist, and they stood across from each other waiting.

Finally, Sasuke had enough. He shot forward, blurring with speed, Kakashi did the same until they were three feet from each other.

Time seemed to slow as they narrowed their eyes at each other.

Then something happened that Sasuke didn't expect.

Kakashi threw a kunai, with his chidori lightning attached to it.

Sasuke's eyes widened a fraction as he threw his body to the side, taking a shallow cut and a few hours and bolts of electricity as the kunai passed. Then he was shoved forward and onto the ground with his arm at an extremely uncomfortable angle and another kunai pointed at his neck.

"I win again, Sasuke. It's not all about brute power, you're young and have very powerful chakra, it would waste unnecessary energy to clash chakra intense jutsu with you in case I had to fight someone else or if there were two of you I'd be leaving my back open. Clashing is shiny and bright and it looks cool, but it's very impractical." Kakashi smiles beneath his mask as he let the young Uchiha stand, who got up annoyed.

"I can't believe I never thought to throw the chidori." He grumbled, massaging his now sore shoulder. The cut on his cheek had actually cauterized itself from the heat of the chidori, giving him a thin scar on his cheek.

Kakashi put a hand on his shoulder. "You have skills, Sasuke, but I'm not sure what else to teach you. I was thinking about asking Kaiza to teach you a few things, he owes me one."

"Why does the Uzumaki owe you?"

Kakashi blinked, thinking back and eye smiling. "I gave him a book, that he and Anko-san read together."

Anko sneezed, making Kaiza jump slightly from beside her.

She rubbed her nose, "Someone's talking about me."

"Not if they know what's good for them, they're not." Kaiza grumbled, still half asleep.

Anko grinned mischievously, eyeing his muscular form lying on top of the covers. She leaned close and whispered in his ear. "Ready for round sixteen?" The best part of his healing factor, in her opinion, was his limitless stamina.

He leaned up, "Hell yeah." Then he gripped the back of her hair and brought her face down to his, taking her lips with his own.


At least that's what Kakashi imagined they were doing right now.

Sasuke notes the perverted gleam in Kakashi's eye and the red under his eyes and scoffed, then shunshined away.


Arashi stood outside the village gates with a man with dark red hair and rinnegan eyes.

The man was the same height as Arashi, with pale skin and an athletic frame, though his body looked mostly mechanical. "Nagato, why are we attacking the Leaf again?" Not that he minded, it was a chance to finally kill his father and Naruto.

Nagato clenched his fists, "We must show them pain. And with your fuuinjutsu strengthening my body to match the rinnegan, I'll be unstoppable. Just stay close to me."

"Yeah, right. I'll do that." He replied sarcastically.

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