#46 Paulo Dybala No.2

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For Paulieeen
Hope you enjoy

"Babe I'm in pain, I'm miserable!" you said falling back into the couch and massaging your head.

Since you were 8 months pregnant it was hard for you to even get out of bed, let one walk around at a party.

It was you Friend Emma's birthday and Paulo told you to stay home and rest but you didn't want to be alone while he goes and has fun. You deserved to have some fun. What just because you were pregnant you couldn't have fun?

This whole pregnancy Paulo has been very protective and strict with you. He didn't want anything to happen to you or the baby and you appreciated that. But you should be able to go out every once in a while.

"I know baby, I know here let me massage your feet" he said rubbing your belly and then working his way down to your swollen feet.

"Why does carrying a baby have to he so painful and annoying?"

"Because you're carrying something very special and that takes a lot of work baby. Just think that really soon we will have our baby girl with us"

"Or boy"

Even though you don't know the gender of the baby, Paulo is certain it is a girl. He believes it so much that he started calling it 'princess'

"Or a boy..." He smiled and continued rubbing your feet.

"What's gonna happen if it's a boy and you've been calling it a princess the whole time?"

"It's not gonna be a boy" he said with a smirk.

"But I'm saying what if it is? What are you gonna do?"

"Well I will still love it no matter what obviously, I don't know I just really want out first born to be a girl. After that of course I would want a boy. Maybe even ten but for now I want a little girl that I can spoil and be daddy's little girl"

"Let's just take it one kid at a time with all this pain I don't think I would want to carry another ten kids"

"But we have to have three kids, 2 boys and girl or maybe 2 girls and a boy, maybe 4 kids?" Paulo was completely serious which brought a smile to your face.

He was so cute. He is gonna be the best dad ever.

"Babe whatever happens happens, but for right now I just want this kid to get out of me and then we will go out from there. How can we have that many kids when we can't even name the one I'm carrying?" you suddenly remembered you haven't picked a name or even discussed the possibilities.

Paulo stopped rubbing your feet and moved up on the couch to lay next to you. He put one hand on your stomach and the other around your shoulder.

"Well I guess we should name this child" he chuckled and rubbed your belly once more feeling the baby kick.

"It loves the sound of your voice" You said burying into his chest.

Come to think of it you loved his voice. It always soothed you and when you were sleepy he would talk to you until you would fall asleep, mostly about his childhood or the silliest of things. It always relaxed.

Paulo played with your hair as you started thinking of the possibilities of naming your child.

"Okay for a girl I'm saying Sydney and.."

"Babe I'm not making my daughter Sydney" you interrupted him feeling bad how harsh it came out.

"Why not?"He turned to face toward you and gave you the cutest puppy dog face.

"Because that's my friends dogs name and all I picture is her calling that dogs name all the time, I don't know...I just don't picture it babe, why do you want to name her that?"

"I don't know I always liked it, my mom's friend used to be named Sydney and she was just so sweet and I just always thought of the name"

You felt kinda bad but honestly everyone you thought of 'Sydney' you would think of calling a dog.

"Can we get a dog and name it Sydney?"

You laughed at his cuteness once again and kissed his jaw.

"Yh of course we can babe" you smiled then pulled him down for a quick peck.

You just giggled at his cuteness. You were glad he was the way he was. He would be a great father to your future daughter....or son.

Thanks for reading
Love ya guys 😙😗😚
Hope you enjoyed
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