Chapter 1: The Seven

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"Sir, everyone has left for the night." His assistant bowed to him from the French doors of his office,

"Hm? Oh okay, you can leave as well Jihan. I just have to finish this one song." Namjoon mumbled rubbing his face.

"Good night sir." Jihan left shutting the door softly as Namjoon focused on the computer in front of him. He worked in a recording company producing music for different groups. It was his passion and his motivation. After a couple of hours more, he collected his belongings and left slipping his jacket on and the elevator dinged alerting him to his arrival on the ground floor. Walking out onto the quiet street.

"Just a couple more boxes guys then we can go home." Seokjin smiled setting the cardboard box full of tomatoes on the stainless steel bench. The kitchen hand opened another box and rushed to move the contents into the fridge. After moving the boxes from the truck outside, Sokejin signed the form then waved the driver off as the last of his crew set to work unpacking the order and refilling the shelves.

"See teamwork makes everything go faster, go lot go home I'll finish everything up." Seokjin smiled his crew nodding signing their time books and left. Seokjin ran around and did a final clean before hanging his apron up with the others. Picking up his bag and leave out the back door making sure it was locked before setting off towards the bus stop.

"Jimin come on! We'll miss the movie!" His girlfriend complained as he fixed his hair in a store's window.

"We'll be fine you stress too much darling." Jimin laughed turning away and smiling at his shorter lavender haired girlfriend.

"I'm not stressing I like to be on time to things, okay? Now let's go pretty boy." She linked their arms and they started walking Jimin smiling down at his girlfriend.

"What so important about this movie again?" Jimin asked teasingly,

"Nothing, I just get jealous of your stupid job." She pouted looking down,

"It pays well, and plus your job is worse in a way." He pointed out.

"Shut up." She mumbled leaning on him.

He shoved his hands further into his pockets head hung low to avoid seeing other people. His phone clutched in his hand. Glancing up every now and then to see where he's going, searching for his final destination. The neon lights of the 24-hour store came into sight bring a smile to his face. The door opened flooding his body with the smell of instant ramen, coffee and warmth. He walked the aisle looking for affordable snacks, collecting a couple in his arms he approached the tired looking cashier.

"Ah, Jungkook-ah back again?" He laughed ringing up Jungkook's order,

"Oh yeah, I ran out of food at home." Jungkook messed up his hair, the cashier shook his head packing the items.

"Get some sleep, Uni must be stressful." The cashier advised,

"I will thank you!" Jungkook bowed before rushing out back onto the street.

"Taehyung don't be late for work tomorrow!" His boss called as Taehyung walked out of the high-class restaurant

"Sorry sir, it won't happen again!" Taehyung bowed before rushing out, pulling out his phone flicking through phone numbers he collected the last name.

"Do I want a girl or a boy tonight," Taehyung mumbled walked down the quiet street,

"Jimin come on! We'll miss the movie!" A girl whined to her boyfriend as he walked past.

Why dude? Why anchor yourself to one. He thought as he looked at the boyfriend fixing his hair. Taehyung picked a random number and typed out a simple text message, 'Hi this is dude from the bar last night you free tonight?' with some added emojis he slipped his phone back into his pocket.

"The dance looks great but maybe try this instead of that." Hoseok demonstrated for a couple of his older student that was preparing for a competition. After hours of perfecting a routine, his students left to go home as he cleaned his studio preparing for the next day. After sweeping and mopping the floor he locked the doors, a gym back slung over his shoulder as he made his way towards the 24-hour convenience store at the end of the street. Watching a younger kid exit with a bag and run back down the street to wherever he was headed. Hoseok walked in picking up a bottle of water and a couple of instant ramen packs for dinner since he couldn't be bothered cooking.

"Have a good night!" Hoseok waved to the cashier as he left moving towards his apartment a couple of streets away.

Yoongi was walking down the street a lit cigarette clasped between his lips. Tapping away on his phone as he strode towards his destination. Finished the text message he took the cigarette out of his mouth blowing to smoke into the night sky. His phone rang interrupting his thoughts, knowing exactly who it was he answered pressing the device to his ear.

"Yeah?" He asked uninterested,

"Babe! Where are you? You promised you'd be home for dinner. I hope your not off drinking." A female spoke into the phone.

"No no, I'm just out for a smoke. I'll be back soon I promise." He lied he had hoped to stay out all night avoiding her. It was only three hours ago he saw her lip-locked with another man. Trying to get the image out of his head with fresh air.

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